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Internal Exp Viewer *Final version all patches,Tutorial Done*
uploaded 3/3/02 |
Hoyt5String Lunatic
Joined: Feb 21,
2002 Posts: 14 |
Posted: 2002-02-26
Sasami...Thank You very much for this. I can only imagine how
people like you can do this kind of nice stuff for people and not
expect anything in return. People like you make me happy. =)
One thing I noticed...sometimes when I'm killing orcs and I
have my window (where the exp is shown) minimized, I open it and in
the part that says what the exp gained from the last monster it says
like...142...and one time 642...or something way off. Of course,
this only happens when the window is minimized...and even then only
every once in a while. I'm not bitching, but I thought you might
want to know in case you don't already.
And I run Windows XP
and I had absolutely no problem with it. Actually, after I patched
it to my exe file, I don't even have to run the program anymore, it
just automatically shows the numbers in my window in game. (Maybe
that has something to do with the problem I stated above).
Another good thing about it is that I can run it in full
screen mode. =)
Sorry if this stuff has been mentioned
before, but frankly, it's 2:20am and I don't feel like reading 13
pages of stuff.
Again, thanks for your hard work. I (as I'm
sure many others) truly appreciate it.
[ This
Message was edited by: Hoyt5String on 2002-02-26 09:15
NinjaFish Lunatic
Joined: Feb 14,
2002 Posts: 13 |
Posted: 2002-02-26
On 2002-02-26 07:05, Sasami wrote: How
many places to I have to put around the program that it's
ragexe.exe, not ragnarok.exe!
joking...i swear, i checked and double-checked that i was selecting
the right file. i will check again, i guess...maybe i'm going blind
[edit] ok, so
maybe i'm not going crazy...from the readme file that comes inside
The Patch Ragnarok Exe adds in some assembly
code into your ragnarok exe that shows you the same
information that is shown in this window, and you wont need
to run this program anymore.
| does that not
say that i am patching ragnarok.exe, or am i seriously losing my
marbles? also, is the file patcher for full-screen mode no longer
available? when i run the latest version, i just get the "alt-N"
reminder and the little exp window shows. no more option to patch...
[edited edit] ok, it is clear to me that i am going
crazy, now, as the version i just downloaded has the patch option in
it. still, the readme and the button seem to imply that i am
patching ragnarok.exe, while the file selection filter says
ragexe.exe...hopefully you can see where my confusion came from.
[/edited edit]
And I am not ignorant about the xbox or winxp, I
have much experience with both. |
said that you were. was just saying that, given what i've seen of
past versions of windows, i find it hard to complain about XP. and
given current experience with the xbox, i have no complaints about
it, either.
and i
apologize if my post seemed insulting, degrading, and/or ungrateful.
it was not intended as such.
[ This Message
was edited by: NinjaFish on 2002-02-26 19:29 ]
[ This Message was edited by: NinjaFish on 2002-02-26 19:36
Makoto Hornet
Joined: Feb 10,
2002 Posts: 117 From: England
Posted: 2002-02-26
hehe, I made that mistake NinjaFish, when Sasami said
'ragnarok exe' note she didnt put in a . , she ment the main exe
file for the game ragnarok, which is ragexe.exe, the ragnarok.exe
handles different stuff and doesnt acctually run the acctuall game,
but i see where its confusing, just everyone bear in mind that its
the RAGEXE.EXE that you patch and NOT the ragnarok.exe
I have no experience of the Xbox (im in england, hasnt been released
yet, tho will be veeeeeerrrrry soon) I see it as slightly silly, I
mean, if you want a games console, there are better ones then the
Xbox, and if you want a PC, you buy a PC, lol I just dont see
much point in haveing an Xbox AND a PC *shrugs* but im not saying
its crap, I dont know wheather it is or not, I just see it as odd
_________________ *sigh*
NinjaFish Lunatic
Joined: Feb 14,
2002 Posts: 13 |
Posted: 2002-02-26
altho I have no experience of the Xbox (im in
england, hasnt been released yet, tho will be veeeeeerrrrry
soon) I see it as slightly silly, I mean, if you want a
games console, there are better ones then the Xbox, and if
you want a PC, you buy a PC, lol I just dont see much
point in haveing an Xbox AND a PC *shrugs* but im not saying
its crap, I dont know wheather it is or not, I just see it
as odd |
the same misconception a lot of people have about it. the truth is,
it's nothing like a PC. it's just like every other console out
there: you turn it on, you put a game in, and you play. it doesn't
do any "PC stuff" at all. in fact, the PS2 is more of a PC than the
xbox, given all of the add-on hardware it's getting, and the fact
that sony wants it to be an internet terminal.
as for
"better consoles", i will just say this: i have all of the current
generation consoles, and in terms of hardware capability, you won't
find anything better than xbox. as for software, that's all up to
personal preference, but there really is no reason to dislike xbox
just for the hardware.
Makoto Hornet
Joined: Feb 10,
2002 Posts: 117 From: England
Posted: 2002-02-26
when i made a refferance to Xbox and PC's, i was reffering to
the fact that games on the Xbox will probably come out on PC...
well, id assume so, i could be wrong of course
and besides
theres also the other reason, which i think is Sasami's main reason
for not liking the Xbox, the fact that its just Bill trying to get
his grubby lil' 'ands on console money as well as PC, heh
altho dont think that im a microsoft hater, i know what good
things it has done, like provide an industry standard, but i dont
think the console indestry need his presence O.o
_________________ *sigh*
Sasami Orc Hero
Joined: Feb 08,
2002 Posts: 388 From: Jurai (Currently
Okayama, Japan)
Posted: 2002-02-26
Four words, green screen of death. Green screen of
Snorks Willow
Joined: Feb 09,
2002 Posts: 56 |
Posted: 2002-02-26
and a special note: there is likely less
wrong with winxp than any other version of windows, and 90%
of the people that bash the xbox speak from ignorance.
No matter
how you slice it, Microsoft sucks. It sucks because they couldn't
care less about providing a bug-free product and/or providing
quality technical support. Anyone who doesn't think that Bill
Gates/Microsoft puts out products just to make money is a tad naive.
Look at Internet Explorer, look at Messenger, look at Windows Media
Player, etc. These were all "innovations" (read rip-offs) of
products that were already out there. Microsoft is evil, and the
anti-trust problems they are having bear that out. Why should the
Xbox be any different?
And about WinXP. Why is Dial-up
Networking and/or winsock fuxored up? I can't maintain a decent
internet connection because it keeps resetting or something due to
compression errors. It is very annoying and I can't get any tech
support because I have an OEM version. That is too funny, like the
OEM version is supposed to be fuxored up or something? I don't
recall getting my CD for free. Oh, and of course there is no fix
yet. Beautiful. Sign me up for more Microsoft Industry Standard
Ass-raping please...
[ This Message was edited
by: Snorks on 2002-02-26 23:11 ]
Qazumation Frog
Joined: Feb 19,
2002 Posts: 69 |
Posted: 2002-02-27
Did you know....
That the leading way to get a virus
is to run Microsoft Internet Explorer and/or Microsoft Outlook
(Express)?(Who could release a piece of software with a bug in it
that will make it exucute any recived code on your computer? Mr.
That all versions of Win9X only used 254 ascii codes?
(Try it yourself, go to the dos prompt and type 'md lalala' but at
the end hold alt and press 255, and let go of alt. Then hit enter.
You'll find you've made an uneraslbe directory. To remove it, use
deltree lalala and alt 255 and the end.)
That in the
Brasillian commeracil for WinXP, they showed running on
Macs?(Photoshoped of course)
If you buy a copy of WinXP, and
your CD-key had been generatored and illegaly taken to run a illegal
copy, Microsft will NOT issuse a new key. (I've run into this
And finnally, did you know that alot of Xbox
games were planed on other consoles, only to change thier minds?
(Any programmer knows it's a waste of time to convert what they've
already started to another console, so money HAS to be involed.)
That's right, when I've the cash, I'm buying a nice new
G4 apple, and playing RO on a winblows emulator. Ha!
Nomido Pupa
Joined: Feb 16,
2002 Posts: 2 From: Austria
Posted: 2002-02-27
I just wanted to say thank you, because of your Exp
Viewer I can see my hard work and not only a few percent.
Edgahkun Pupa
Joined: Feb 08,
2002 Posts: 2 |
Posted: 2002-02-27
Makoto Hornet
Joined: Feb 10,
2002 Posts: 117 From: England
Posted: 2002-02-27
yeah, but the green screen of death is GREEN!! greens my fav
colour ^_^, I dont mind green screens of death, there pretty ^_^
EDIT: typo I wouldnt go as far as to say microsoft are
evil, there just your avarage ruthless business, except that bill
chose the right industry and got raaaaather a lot of money :/
_________________ 'Imagen if our world was blue and
weightless I never ment to do wrong to you your my starfish'
-Alien Ant Farm, Stranded
[ This Message
was edited by: Makoto on 2002-02-27 02:54 ]
Sasami Orc Hero
Joined: Feb 08,
2002 Posts: 388 From: Jurai (Currently
Okayama, Japan)
Posted: 2002-02-27
everyone is aware you can change blue screens of death on
windows to whatever color you wish (the 16 bit colors)... (well, win
3.1/95/98/me). I always ran the green screen of death, but now I use
win2k (by force) so i don't see them anymore.
Makoto Hornet
Joined: Feb 10,
2002 Posts: 117 From: England
Posted: 2002-02-27
oooooo, how do you change it to a different colour then?
EDIT: pardon me for my
ignorance, im only an egg ^_^ _________________ 'Imagen if
our world was blue and weightless I never ment to do wrong to
you your my starfish' -Alien Ant Farm, Stranded
[ This Message was edited by: Makoto on 2002-02-27 03:24
Arsenic Chonchon
Joined: Feb 11,
2002 Posts: 43 From: Qc
Posted: 2002-02-27
On 2002-02-26 07:53, Sasami wrote:
while(1!=2) //loop forever { . if a!=currentexp
. { . . b=currentexp-a //last kill . .
a=currentexp . } }
"while(1!=2) " ? Is that some sort of Japanese coding style? ^_^
I would rather do a good old "while(1)" for infinite loop,
And why
infinite loop anyway? It will just consume too much cpu time for
nothing, I'd rather put a timer on it. Ah well, let's stop
Oh wait, not quite yet! By doing this piece
of code :
if a!=currentexp . { . . b=currentexp-a
//last kill . . a=currentexp . }
You forgot that it
will show incorrect results if the guy just leveled up. You'd need
to add some more codes to prevent that.
Sasami Orc Hero
Joined: Feb 08,
2002 Posts: 388 From: Jurai (Currently
Okayama, Japan)
Posted: 2002-02-27
On 2002-02-27 04:55, Arsenic wrote:
On 2002-02-26 07:53, Sasami wrote:
while(1!=2) //loop forever { . if
a!=currentexp . { . . b=currentexp-a //last
kill . . a=currentexp . } }
"while(1!=2) " ? Is that some sort of Japanese coding style?
I would rather do a good old "while(1)" for
infinite loop, anyway
And why infinite
loop anyway? It will just consume too much cpu time for
nothing, I'd rather put a timer on it. Ah well, let's stop
Oh wait, not quite yet! By doing this
piece of code :
if a!=currentexp . { . .
b=currentexp-a //last kill . . a=currentexp . }
You forgot that it will show incorrect results if
the guy just leveled up. You'd need to add some more codes
to prevent that.
-.- whats
the point of criticizing someones code that wasn't even ment to
work, i was just explaining a concept to him. Thats not even remotly
what my code looks like... geeze, you are serious about this whole
competition thing i wasn't
aware it mattered to you so much.
[edit] and if you would
like to criticize more, i left out the semicolons and didn't put ()
on the if statement, which most compilers won't accept.
[ This Message was edited by: Sasami on 2002-02-27 05:04
| |