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Author Ro Exp program **NEW INTERNAL VERSION!** check out page 6 post 8
Orc Hero

Joined: Feb 08, 2002
Posts: 313
From: Jurai (Currently Okayama, Japan)
Posted: 2002-02-09 20:05   

EC 56 59 00 F0 56 59 00 88 57 59 00 8C 57 59 00 97 04 00 00 65 04 00 00

5956EC - current exp
5956F0 - to next lev exp
595788 - current job exp
59578C - to next job exp
this is how the .dat file looks, it works by taking 4 bytes at a time and writing the values in hex backwards (this is how bits work, not going to explain why). I'm writing a program to make the new dat files for you in a sec. The last 8 bytes btw are used for the location of the window.
As for the beta that shows everything in the window,the dat file is organized the same way, but the lsat 8 bytes are used to store the addresses of where your "basic info" window is. I have been pooring through the web and references and texts trying to find out how to fix the blinking problem, and have not yet found it, but I will soon, there must be a way.
And I know i said i will leave, but i said when I reached lvl 50, i'm still lvl 49 ^_^ (49% to go).

[edit] check four posts down for more information.

[ This Message was edited by: Sasami on 2002-02-19 02:24 ]

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Joined: Feb 09, 2002
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Posted: 2002-02-09 20:09   
Hey, i need the new program!!!

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Joined: Feb 07, 2002
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Posted: 2002-02-09 20:12   
huh? whats going on........
ahh...my head

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Joined: Feb 08, 2002
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Posted: 2002-02-09 20:20   
when you deside to go....can you leve us with the sorce file? ^^

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Orc Hero

Joined: Feb 08, 2002
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From: Jurai (Currently Okayama, Japan)
Posted: 2002-02-09 20:37   
Ok, i have the new dat file and the program to update the dat file both on my page http://www.castledragmire.com/rag
http://www.castledragmire.com/rag/RoExp.dat for the dat
http://www.castledragmire.com/rag/FixDat.exe for the program to update the dat file.

I have already said I will not release the source because I don't want people to add in a trojan or whatnot. I am still working on getting the final version working that integrates perfectly in the ro window, i'll tell you all when it's done.

[edit] Oh yeah, the new adresses are
Base Current: 0059693C
Base Next: 00596940
Job Current: 005969D8
Job Next: 005969DC
thanks to Boco for the info.

[ This Message was edited by: Sasami on 2002-02-09 20:39 ]

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Cinco de Mayo

Joined: Feb 08, 2002
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From: Ellsworth, Maine
Posted: 2002-02-09 20:40   

On 2002-02-09 20:37, Sasami wrote:
Ok, i have the new dat file and the program to update the dat file both on my page http://www.castledragmire.com/rag
http://www.castledragmire.com/rag/RoExp.dat for the dat
http://www.castledragmire.com/rag/FixDat.exe for the program to update the dat file.

I have already said I will not release the source because I don't want people to add in a trojan or whatnot. I am still working on getting the final version working that integrates perfectly in the ro window, i'll tell you all when it's done.

[edit] Oh yeah, the new adresses are
Base Current: 0059693C
Base Next: 00596940
Job Current: 005969D8
Job Next: 005969DC
thanks to Boco for the info.

[ This Message was edited by: Sasami on 2002-02-09 20:39 ]

Yeh man, that is what I want. One that integrates right into the RO window, that way you dont have to alt+tab out to check your EXP! You da man

Looters suck!

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Orc Hero

Joined: Feb 08, 2002
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From: Jurai (Currently Okayama, Japan)
Posted: 2002-02-09 21:02   
#1 woman if you please
#2 let me explain the basics behind it first, then more complicated stuff for anyone that wants to help or knows how i might fix this.

Basic: You can get the beta of the program on the page i keep giving, and what it does is it directly overlays over your exp bar and gives you the same stats my current version gives you. The only problem is it blinks like heck which is distracting. (and right now it doesnt overlay over the exp bar b/c i need to find new memory addresses).

Complicated: Ok, heres how everything works, there are 6 memory addresses in the ro ram that matter. The location of your current and needed job and base exp,and the x and y locations of your basic info window. My program reads all these every millisecond and then according to that it blits directly to the main ro window, whether it be full screen or windowed it doesn't matter. I realized that the blinking comes from whenever ro refreshes itself. So there are two ways I can think of fixing this, neither I know how to do. The first is to blit my data to the main ro screen in between the time when it blits its new image and refreshes, or the second, which would be much easier and more practical, is to find the hidden dc (device context) or buffer that ro uses (according to a directx doc i read, all directx apps have both a foreground dc which shows on the screen and a background buffer that holds the new graphics so everything updates at once instead of different times)... if i could find this dc, i could update my stuff there and it would never blink. Can anyone help me? Help would be greatly appreciated.

[ This Message was edited by: Sasami on 2002-02-09 21:08 ]

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Orc Hero

Joined: Feb 07, 2002
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From: Sweden
Posted: 2002-02-09 21:38   
Sasami thanks for the great program, I just tried the integrated beta and it works fine (the other one doesnt, it shows wrong "how-much-exp-to-next-lvl" values for both job and base exp)

Got one small problem with the integrated version tho, it keeps flashing and its really annoying, dunno why
..::[ As blood run down my arms, I feel peace in my heart ]::..

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Joined: Feb 09, 2002
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From: Montreal, Canada
Posted: 2002-02-09 21:40   
Neither seems to work for me..
The regular "windowed" mode one shows incorrect values (I'm 462% to next level;), the Beta integrated shows, well, nothing?

Help appreciated.

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Joined: Feb 08, 2002
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From: PA/NY
Posted: 2002-02-09 21:51   
Thanks for the FIxDat! That was a much needed item

Aerynlana: 36/26 Thief

Shaelyn: 39/29 Acolyte

-3513 Jellopy-

[ This Message was edited by: themysticalone on 2002-02-09 21:51 ]

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Orc Hero

Joined: Feb 08, 2002
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From: Jurai (Currently Okayama, Japan)
Posted: 2002-02-09 22:01   
try downloading the fixed dat for both of them.
and i cant fix the blinking yet in the integrated beta (yet), thats why its a beta I'm working on it.

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Joined: Feb 09, 2002
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Posted: 2002-02-09 22:06   
uh can you guys tell me waht this program does? does it give you exp or something?

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Divine Judgement
Munak L.2

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Posted: 2002-02-09 22:08   
It displays your current EXP and jXP, how much you need to level up, how far you are (%), and how much the last monster you killed gave you.

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Isis L.1

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Posted: 2002-02-09 22:08   

On 2002-02-09 22:06, AtomiCXeN wrote:
uh can you guys tell me waht this program does? does it give you exp or something?

You know how your EXP is shown as a % number? Well, it displays the REAL number of EXP you need to level up instead of a percent.

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Orc Hero

Joined: Feb 08, 2002
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From: Jurai (Currently Okayama, Japan)
Posted: 2002-02-09 22:16   
The reason I am now telling people to update the wnidowed version of the program themselves or to download the new dat file is because i no longer have the source to that old version. I have a bad habit of updating a program and not keeping old copies... and the only source i have right now is of my beta where the program is integrated in ragnarok. So just download the new dat file and put it in the same directory if you seem to get wrong exp numbers reported.

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