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03-31-25 11:22 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Exp Viewer Discussion - Your Viewer |
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Since: 03-10-02

Since last post: 8422 days
Last activity: 8418 days
Posted on 03-10-02 02:26 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Sasami When ever i try to use your ExpViewer I Get a error saying that
"ragexp has caused an error in RAGEXP.EXE"
do you now howw to fix this?

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

Since last post: 7697 days
Last activity: 7697 days
Posted on 03-10-02 10:19 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Make sure you have the latest vb run time dlls, and that you have the dat file in the same directory as the program.
Quasi Yggdrasil

Since: 06-08-02
From: Austraila

Since last post: 8332 days
Last activity: 8331 days
Posted on 06-08-02 10:03 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Yeah....this is what i got ><

RAGEXP caused an invalid page fault in
module RAGEXP.EXE at 0167:0041391c.
EAX=fffbfeff CS=0167 EIP=0041391c EFLGS=00010287
EBX=42c00000 SS=016f ESP=0064fe18 EBP=fffbfeff
ECX=00000003 DS=016f ESI=0040f005 FS=5b77
EDX=003c0eff ES=016f EDI=00401000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
8b 02 83 c2 04 89 07 83 c7 04 83 e9 04 77 f1 01
Stack dump:
00401000 00000000 004002ab 0064ff78 0064fe3c 00000000 8167c470 c14e2454 00400299 bff8b560 00000000 8167c410 00540000 65676152 45007078 00004558
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Exp Viewer Discussion - Your Viewer |
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