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03-31-25 11:32 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - Closing Down |
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Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

Since last post: 7697 days
Last activity: 7697 days
Posted on 03-04-04 04:56 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Well, I've decided to finally close the forum in lieu of the posts going down the drain *giggle*. I've decided to do what I did with my NES Emulator Hynes's site and just lock everything up for reference. (Oh I do just love leaving people access to the past XD.) A lot has gone on since I last posted so I'll just try to hit the high points of what's gone on in my life. Before I do that, I would love to thank both Daishi and Chibibar for their exemplary service as mods for me ever since the day I left to AX way back when I first had my webserver (Though Chibibar has dropped off a little over time, which is totally cool though, I told them they could leave if they wanted since things where so slow.) I really appreciate both of ya'lls hard work! In my life, I dropped out of college (Rose Hulman Institute of Technology [BLEH! IT SUCKS!.. well for CS at least]) at the end of my freshman year, deciding to just forget the whole college thing and stop going to classes 3 weeks into the semester and sit on the couch in the lobby all day and play multiplayer halo whenever anyone walked in, and code. The couch had a permanent ass groove for me near the end (Simpsonā€™s reference). So after that I sent out my wonderful resume and portfolio to 20 or 30 companies I'd love to work for, 3 of which responded and said they'd put me on record... so I realized how the US economy works
1. Get a college degree and college places you in good job from job fair
2. If you lose that job and get laid off, send resumes along with tens of thousands of others wherever you can in the VERY slim chance you will get hired

3. Know someone and show them you have the stuff

4. Start your own company

So ever since, I've been working on 3 & 4. I am currently the VP of an IT tech firm, myself mainly focusing on the internet aspect of things, which is working out, and have also been working on my mmorpg hard for quite some time, which I hope to go public... in the near future. I've been enjoying life (somewhat, besides the often insomnia and depression due to stupid chemical imbalances in brain... grrr) and such and such. Spending lots of time with friends whenever possible, finished the 4 .hack games recently which where cool but.. not quite right in fitting in the story and all. .Hack is just cool in general, nice pieced together stories. Anywho, I'll keep working hard on the mmorpg and get it out to completely screw over gravity and bankrupt them! yay! Cause I just KNOW everyone will move to it!! O: ) Have a nice time in all your endeavors everyone, for those still playing under gravity *shakes fist teasingly*, etc. etc. peace! ja matta! Gambate kudasai!
For the last time,

(edited by Sasami on 03-03-04 11:57 PM)


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

Since last post: 7697 days
Last activity: 7697 days
Posted on 03-04-04 05:01 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
*bows* thank you, Sasami (see, no mispell like that one time long ago)

*bows* thank you, chibi-bar, makoto, and other mods

*bows* adios todos.


(edited by DaiSHi on 03-04-04 12:02 AM)
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