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Since: 04-29-02
Since last post: 8286 days Last activity: 8286 days
How do I get it from Extrnal to internal? Please help.... |

Since: 04-26-02
Since last post: 8296 days Last activity: 8371 days
there's the button named patch ragexe.exe
click that and point it to the proper file where you installed RO. |

Since: 04-29-02
Since last post: 8372 days Last activity: 8372 days
How do I replace the bars with the exp info?
-------------------- Ph33r M3 |
Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02 From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked! Rating: 10 (1030 pts)
Since last post: 7697 days Last activity: 7697 days
use the external program in that case, you have to run in windowed mode... most people asked to have it not cover up the bars so i never implemented it. |

Since: 04-29-02
Since last post: 8286 days Last activity: 8286 days
Originally posted by kei there's the button named patch ragexe.exe
click that and point it to the proper file where you installed RO. well that didnt work do I put the exe thing inside the setup in where it is or just in the folder? |
Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02 From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked! Rating: 10 (1030 pts)
Since last post: 7697 days Last activity: 7697 days
Unzip the zip file with both the dat and exe file, place it in any random directory, run it, click patch ragexe.exe amd then select your ragexe.exe in your ragnarok dierctory, it should say "Ragnarok succesfully patched!" as i remember, if not it will give you 1 of 3 errors, either ragnarok is running at the time so it cant be patched, it has already been patched.or is the wrong exe, or the file you pointed to is not really there. |

Since: 04-29-02
Since last post: 8286 days Last activity: 8286 days
Originally posted by Sasami Unzip the zip file with both the dat and exe file, place it in any random directory, run it, click patch ragexe.exe amd then select your ragexe.exe in your ragnarok dierctory, it should say "Ragnarok succesfully patched!" as i remember, if not it will give you 1 of 3 errors, either ragnarok is running at the time so it cant be patched, it has already been patched.or is the wrong exe, or the file you pointed to is not really there. ok did that but when I run Ragrarok its still in Exterior. Or when I try to run the Ragexe thing it says run ragrarok.exe please please help! |
Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02 From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked! Rating: 10 (1030 pts)
Since last post: 7697 days Last activity: 7697 days
after you patch the ragexe.exe and it says successful just run rag like normal. |

Since: 04-29-02
Since last post: 8286 days Last activity: 8286 days
I ran it like normal but its still the extenal window.... |
Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02 From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked! Rating: 10 (1030 pts)
Since last post: 7697 days Last activity: 7697 days
whats still the external window |

Since: 04-29-02
Since last post: 8286 days Last activity: 8286 days
the basic info. |
Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02 From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked! Rating: 10 (1030 pts)
Since last post: 7697 days Last activity: 7697 days
its supposed to show in the basic info window. |

Since: 04-29-02
Since last post: 8286 days Last activity: 8286 days
huh the interor or exteror? |
Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02 From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked! Rating: 10 (1030 pts)
Since last post: 7697 days Last activity: 7697 days
the internal program makes it show in 2 places, inside the basic info window right above and below the exp % bars, or if you collapse the basic info window, in the titlebar.
The external shows it in my programs external window. |

Since: 04-30-02
Since last post: 8371 days Last activity: 8354 days
need help!!!
was able to get the internal viewer but couln't get the skin which has the pretty lady on it. |

Since: 02-19-02 From: England
Since last post: 8106 days Last activity: 8093 days
LOL, that skin is 'chaos', download it from pako
(go to and click on the skins tab at the side, its called somthing like 'chaos' )
EDIT: i just checked, yes, its called 'Chaos', its on the second page of there skins section 
(edited by Makoto on 04-30-02 07:08 AM) |

Since: 04-30-02
Since last post: 8371 days Last activity: 8354 days
you're right!!
thanks!! |
Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02 From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked! Rating: 10 (1030 pts)
Since last post: 7697 days Last activity: 7697 days
yeah, that's my favorite skin  |

Since: 04-29-02
Since last post: 8286 days Last activity: 8286 days
ditto mine also I got the Extenal inteneal thing to work thanks! |
Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02 From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked! Rating: 10 (1030 pts)
Since last post: 7697 days Last activity: 7697 days
what where you doing wrong? i never really even understood your question. |