Welcome to Sasami's forums.
Unfortunately, Sasami is not maintaining this site anymore, so there will be no new updates. If links or files are missing, there is nothing we can do about it. If there are questions regarding programs on this site that I or another member cannot answer, then there probably won't be a response. Chibi-bar and I are still here to keep things in order in lieu of Sasami's absence. Offensive threads will be locked/deleted. The same goes for questions regarding hacking ro, third party programs in which Gravity does not endorse (which means pretty much all of them), private servers, or any others that we feel are not appropriate. Feel free to post other questions or comments, or pm me.
Thank you,
Chibi, feel free to amend to this if you want to say anything yourself.

(edited by DaiSHi on 03-02-04 10:21 PM) |