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03-31-25 11:30 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - A question on GM Methods |
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Since: 09-04-03

Since last post: 7826 days
Last activity: 7802 days
Posted on 09-04-03 02:07 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Hello. I am just new here so sorry if there's a post same as mine. I am from pRO (RO Philippines) and I would like to know if the GMs really has a program to detetect if a player is using a bot. I have been banned and I checked the chatlogs. I was shocked to see that the GM only determined im a bot because i am not responding to his PMs (my bot restarted so my /exall is not on). I thought they have more "intelligent" methods.

Why I am botting? I have a very laggy connection. My cable internet sucks. The only way I could play is using a bot. Before I got banned, you could call me a botter but after that, I really dont want to bot anymore... but like I said, due to my sucky connection, I really need to bot to play the game. But now, i am not leaving it anymore because I think that's really really cheating (though I know that botting was cheating from the start).

Please advise me on this. I would like to know if the GMs really have methods as what they say to be a "secret"...


Since: 07-22-02
From: Illinois

Since last post: 7878 days
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Posted on 09-04-03 03:42 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
YES, the GM can programmatically tell if you are a bot or a legitimate client.

They have more technical means to tell, but just talking to the suspect is easiest, which is why they did that first.

For obvious reasons, I am not going to be specific.

As far as your connection being crap - During first Beta2, I was playing on a 33.6K modem with no trouble. Granted, there is more players now (and Gravity's servers are almost constantly under attack) but this is really not an excuse; You should be talking to your ISP as you are pretty obviously getting shafted on your connection. Visit dslreports and use their line tester to make sure you're getting the bandwidth you're paying for.

Since: 06-05-02
From: Palo Alto, California

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Posted on 09-04-03 03:53 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
from my experiance (prior to the implimentation of pets, as I left before then)
the GM/suGM pms or public chats to try to get the attention of the player
GM disconnects the player to check for auto connect (from what I saw they did this a whole lotta times, for those who reconnected)
if subGM, they will call in a GM to manage banning, if GM I guess they'd ban on the spot.
That was from watching a friend with "inside connections" alert a subGM to ban a, possibly botting, female knight in geffen.
I personally think that this method leaves too many holes and gaps in the whole RO judicial process... leaves much room for complaint once the player-complaint system comes about... which also comes from experiance being inquired by a buddy for advice on how to fudge an excuse for getting banned botting...
I really didn't like the whole ordeal, while I felt the better part of me knows a bot when you lightly interact with it... getting someone banned with lil-tidbits of evidence only makes the whole job feel really half-assed
being from a 3rd party perspective this might not be entirely accurate... but its what I saw, guessed, and was told at the time


(edited by KaworuShiro on 09-03-03 08:54 PM)

Since: 09-04-03

Since last post: 7826 days
Last activity: 7802 days
Posted on 09-04-03 04:08 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Thank you very much for informing me. Im very easy to be convinced so i am now quitting on botting. I know lvling a merchant is really hard but, I would try to do it without bot (any techniques I could get?). I was really embarassed to be banned before because im quite a regular at pRO boards and they all know my name and now, I have to use a different account because my account got banned. Weird though, they say in botting, account would be deleted but, i only got banned... hmm..

Okay, no more botting for me. thanks for the advice. and hey. I will create a nother post regarding pRO...

Thanks for all.. and.. do you know where's SASAMI right now?


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

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Posted on 09-04-03 04:13 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by Sandman

Thanks for all.. and.. do you know where's SASAMI right now?

*points to sticky post*


Since: 09-04-03

Since last post: 7826 days
Last activity: 7802 days
Posted on 09-04-03 04:15 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
oh yeah.. hehe what I mean is that.. if anyone of you knows maybe Sasami IRL and knows where he errr.. he right? ... right now...



Since: 04-16-02
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

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Posted on 09-08-03 05:51 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Sasami is a she.. and a very nice person.. she is in college and doing her stuff

as for botting.. who knows... sometimes I just kill things without having chat on (cause well.. lots of jerks on line...) I usually have like 1 line or 3 line up.. and a
GM contacted me asking how am I doing and such.. I guess I look like a bot.. kill kill kill.. loot some.. kill etc etc...

I don't think they have any "sophisticated" system in place.. other than checking for auto-reconnect or not responding.. heck.. if they did.. I"m sure their server wouldn't have been hacked and allow credit card to work (I have a VISA card and it doesn't work on RO website.. go figure)


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