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Since: 05-10-02 Rating: 10 (400 pts)
Since last post: 7745 days Last activity: 7745 days
I have these neat pencil drawings on paper, and I'd like to transfer them to a computer to color later.
I'm not sure what I do next though. I want to have an easy time of coloring my picture, yet I want to change the originals if I have to.
I can toss that plan out if there's a more convenient way.
So far, I have 2 possible things I can do...
1. Scan it in directly, then use paint shop pro to draw lines. After I finish the outline, it's ready to color.
2. Ink it, then scan it. I'm not sure what to do next, I think I was supposed to erase the pencil outline after inking, then brighten the scan until most of my inking is visible, with very few eraser marks.
The problem with (1) is that it's tedious and time consuming to draw the lines.
The problem with (2) is that I lose the original.
Which should I do? Is there another step I can add to either of the two?
-------------------- I wonder....Gundam vs. Angry Anime Girl...
The real question is, would there be any surviving viewers? |

Since: 09-25-02 From: Palana, Koryak, Russia
Since last post: 7953 days Last activity: 8211 days
Possible solutions:
1) If paint shop is as advanced as photoshop or photo-DRAW then you can adjust levels do that eventually you strip away the lighter greys (erase marks, paper grain) and can darken the intentional lines into solid, black ones - it's what I do (and it doesnt work terribly wall, I might add)
2) If you fear for the original, try tracing. Get a thinner sheet of paper and some kind of backlit table (a clear plastic tupperware bin and a lamp can acomplish this for cheap)
Sometimes editing once the drawing is scanned is harder than actually drawing the picture in the first place.
Be very careful how you handle pictures you like. I have totally pissed myself off by not thinking this way.
If you have free acess to a photocopier, you can try to make a darker copy by adjusting the darkness (tolerance) of the copier. This is another B- idea since it rarely works as you'd like it to - I've tried on both good and bad makes and models of copier.
Just suggestions - I'm sure someone else here has more expreience than I do.
Hope it helped, nonetheless. |

Since: 05-10-02 Rating: 10 (400 pts)
Since last post: 7745 days Last activity: 7745 days
Backlit table? They exist?
Thanks for the info.
-------------------- I wonder....Gundam vs. Angry Anime Girl...
The real question is, would there be any surviving viewers? |

Since: 09-25-02 From: Palana, Koryak, Russia
Since last post: 7953 days Last activity: 8211 days
I know they exist, there's one at the drafting lab at the school I attend.
There are makeshift versions you can you too, though, like the one I described.
Hope it helps. |

Since: 05-10-02 Rating: 10 (400 pts)
Since last post: 7745 days Last activity: 7745 days
I wish there was a hardware shop near me. I need a thin opaque plastic if I want to make one.
-------------------- I wonder....Gundam vs. Angry Anime Girl...
The real question is, would there be any surviving viewers? |

Since: 05-24-02 From: Mars 3rd Colony
Since last post: 8068 days Last activity: 8058 days
There is a few ways to do this.
1) scan the drawing in (scan at 300dpi), you chould spend a few hours up on hours trying to clean it. and it still wont' turn out as good. OR you chould just color on top of it, covering the lines and paper. use the paper texture as an advantage.
2) if your going for a very clean and neat CG, trace the scan (150 dpi) in Illustrator or Freehand. This will give you a GREAT output. and if your good with illustrator, it doesnt take too long.
see some samples on my website.

Since: 05-10-02 Rating: 10 (400 pts)
Since last post: 7745 days Last activity: 7745 days
Wow! I hope I can pull off that kind of quality in a year or so. Please keep up the good work!
-------------------- I wonder....Gundam vs. Angry Anime Girl...
The real question is, would there be any surviving viewers? |

Since: 09-25-02 From: Palana, Koryak, Russia
Since last post: 7953 days Last activity: 8211 days
I could use that too. My thanks as well.
Who makes Illustrator, BTW?
Or freehand?
Which companies are responsible for them? |

Since: 05-10-02 Rating: 10 (400 pts)
Since last post: 7745 days Last activity: 7745 days
I think Adobe makes Illustrator. I'm not sure whether Freehand is another program, or a tool in Illustrator.
-------------------- I wonder....Gundam vs. Angry Anime Girl...
The real question is, would there be any surviving viewers? |

Since: 05-24-02 From: Mars 3rd Colony
Since last post: 8068 days Last activity: 8058 days
Freehand -
wah this is much better then AI, I want it too!

(edited by Armra on 02-26-03 05:25 PM) |
Mahou Seitou

Since: 08-02-02 From: Singapore
Since last post: 7957 days Last activity: 7957 days
Kinda clunky.. but...
Make a photocopy of your original drawing, then ink the copy.
After you scan the copy, eliminating the pencil marks should be easier than thickening a non-inked versioon.
(Just making guesses) |