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03-31-25 11:29 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - WebHost and stuff |
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Since: 05-30-02
From: Winnipeg representing the two-0-four

Since last post: 7962 days
Last activity: 8002 days
Posted on 10-26-02 01:58 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
u guys know any web host and stuff like angelfire, goecities where they let u upload picture for free. I need one that lets me upload pics and also lets me link it to webs site cause angelfire and geo doesn't allow that anymore
if u can post some that would be nice

Have u ever look up into the sky at night and wonder......damn why the fuck am i looking up at the sky for.....sheesh....then you slowly walk back to your bedroom and fall a sleep

Since: 08-12-02
From: Orange County, CA

Since last post: 7902 days
Last activity: 7902 days
Posted on 10-26-02 03:26 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
image hosting:

web hosting:
(all the above have server scripting/database support)

Kneo   ::  lvl 36/31 theif
Lagwagon ::  lvl 21/20 archer

:: lagwagon was here ::

(edited by DaiSHi on 10-25-02 09:03 PM)


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

Since last post: 7697 days
Last activity: 7697 days
Posted on 10-26-02 04:01 AMQuote | Edit | Delete

Loki: DaiSHi 49/38 future knight, H.O.L.Y.Merchant OC peekaboo

Since: 10-24-02
From: Fairburn, GA

Since last post: 8153 days
Last activity: 7980 days
Posted on 10-28-02 11:45 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
You can also try Fortunecity. They just recently reduced the storage space from 100 mb to 10mb though,

Or you can go to college and use your personal webspace if they give you any

Since: 06-18-02
From: pontera tavern

Since last post: 8089 days
Last activity: 8118 days
Posted on 10-29-02 08:31 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
does brinkster still work? i couldn't find how to make a free account last time i was there.. is good too.


Since: 08-12-02
From: Orange County, CA

Since last post: 7902 days
Last activity: 7902 days
Posted on 10-30-02 05:11 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
to get a free account on brinkster, you click the Register/Upgrade.
There is a free option.

Kneo   ::  lvl 36/31 theif
Lagwagon ::  lvl 21/20 archer

:: lagwagon was here ::

Since: 12-15-03

Since last post: 7777 days
Last activity: 7777 days
Posted on 12-15-03 03:55 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - WebHost and stuff |
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