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Since: 10-20-02
Since last post: 8187 days Last activity: 8187 days
like the topic says
flexo of pt prophecy told me to come here
im not going to go in to a ton of info on story etc but its a mmorpg full 3d
At this point i can make no promises of any return on the time you invest my company does how ever get a dicount from ati 40% off etc
any ways if your at all intrested in working on a large long running project as a time investment let me know just pm me in forum or post here.
If the game goes gold profits will be split with all active members of the team who have contributed to the project.
Also need 3d artist and concept artist.
our web site is currently |

Since: 05-10-02 Rating: 10 (400 pts)
Since last post: 7745 days Last activity: 7745 days
That's interesting. I have some questions though.
-What would I need to know c++ wise?
-How about ASM, do I need to have some knowledge there too?
-How long should I be coding (how much experience do I need)?
-Can students help (I'm not a professor, please don't misinterpret, I just can't think of another way to word this)?
-Do the programmers have to make a new graphics library, or do they use OpenGL or Direct X?
-What's the drive behind the game? Some of us may be devoted, but we don't want the project to suddenly quit.
That's about all I can think of. sorry for asking so many questions.
-------------------- No idea, what should I write anyway? |

Since: 08-12-02 From: Orange County, CA
Since last post: 7902 days Last activity: 7902 days
lol i would love to join but my c++ knowledge is like this:
int main()
cout<<"Hello world! \n";
i think i will start to learn c++ tomorrow. I have a tendancy to pick up on dev languages pretty quicky... dont get me wrong i dont expect to learn fast enough to join this dev team, but i do think it would be quite usefull to learn...
oh hey ming i think a lot of your questions can be answered at the site he mentioned, esp. the "Jobs" section.
well i gotta sleep... l8er
Kneo  :: lvl 36/31 theif
Lagwagon ::Â lvl 21/20 archer
:: lagwagon was here ::
(edited by lagwagon on 10-19-02 11:31 PM) |

Since: 10-20-02
Since last post: 8187 days Last activity: 8187 days
Originally posted by MingShun That's interesting. I have some questions though.
-What would I need to know c++ wise?
-How about ASM, do I need to have some knowledge there too?
-How long should I be coding (how much experience do I need)?
-Can students help (I'm not a professor, please don't misinterpret, I just can't think of another way to word this)?
-Do the programmers have to make a new graphics library, or do they use OpenGL or Direct X?
-What's the drive behind the game? Some of us may be devoted, but we don't want the project to suddenly quit.
That's about all I can think of. sorry for asking so many questions.
well this game is all about one thing and that is saveing basicly a total of 3 seprate communities the one where i started in mmorpgs elemental saga cancled ro on hold from what i under stand delayed for another 3 months ? and priston tale pay to play in beta no notice and the fact its obvious to me that the only reason for eng pay to play in pt is to support the koreans no notice given as a atempt to get as many to pay as they could just so people could get their freinds contact info.
Any ways needless to say i will keep this game going as long as i can and wont let go unless theres no other choice.
Now i only played ro in alpha 1 and 2 and just could not stand waiting dureing the entire time i played i never seen a patch so i quit.
But after meeting people like flexo and dozens of others from the community i wish i had stuck around great community great game that simple.
Any how c++ knowlage lets see interface creation server side etc needed basicly any thing you know how to do will be a huge help.
Im in no hurry to have this game on the store shelf so theres no reason why we couldnt make a fully original 3d engine if we wanted to.
Biggest thing you all need to know is its going to be a long time before any one makes a dime chances are there will be other companies that we deal with that will also offer discounts like the 40% off from ati and unexpectected emails form places such as fullsail full sail is a huge graphics arts/music school one person who is still semi active recieved a email from them already inviteing him to atend school there.
Recently bearded dragon entertainment was infind to the game developers confrence in england we unfourtunatly had to turn it down as it was going to cost aprox 2 to 3k each for plane ticket lodging etc ati was footign the bill for the seat for the confrence at a huge expence around 800 to 2k x6 members will probly also be invited to things such as ec3 and other game dev related shows.
The game engine we will be useing must be full 3d it will need to support at least dx8 and prefearably dx8 and ogl.
Personaly i have no problem with 2d iso fact is though i dont kknow any one who has the tools needed to make 2d iso animations as for 3d well truespace 5 is avail for around 300 bucks gmax is free milk shape is like 20 bucks and many other cheap and or free 3d programs all capable of game quality work.
lets see i think that covers most of your questions |

Since: 04-26-02 From: USA, NJ
Since last post: 8168 days Last activity: 8182 days
A few things you should know (and keep in mind i'm NOT trying to bring you down here). First, DirectX/OpenGL are not 3D or graphics engines, they are more generically "libraries", and engine would be created useing these libraries. Second, you'll find fairly quickly that milkshape/gmax/and possibly even truespace will not be sufficient for what you want to do. Your alternatives are to purchase 3Dmax/lightwave/maya or the like, or go 2D. To go 2D would only require a decent paint program, and some good artists. You can incorporate 2D in 3D seemlessly useing the bilboard meathod (a single sided, flat face, usually a rectangle with an animated texture...this way it can be rotated etc with the environment). One recomendation I can make is to try anim8or ( some simple renders and export them to .obj...there are .obj-.x converters out there...once in .x format it will be very simple to incorporate. Also, applying textures within your program would be best (it's faster, and anim8or's UV texturing blows). I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you guys stick with it. |

Since: 10-20-02
Since last post: 8187 days Last activity: 8187 days
Originally posted by pragma7 A few things you should know (and keep in mind i'm NOT trying to bring you down here). First, DirectX/OpenGL are not 3D or graphics engines, they are more generically "libraries", and engine would be created useing these libraries. Second, you'll find fairly quickly that milkshape/gmax/and possibly even truespace will not be sufficient for what you want to do. Your alternatives are to purchase 3Dmax/lightwave/maya or the like, or go 2D. To go 2D would only require a decent paint program, and some good artists. You can incorporate 2D in 3D seemlessly useing the bilboard meathod (a single sided, flat face, usually a rectangle with an animated texture...this way it can be rotated etc with the environment). One recomendation I can make is to try anim8or ( some simple renders and export them to .obj...there are .obj-.x converters out there...once in .x format it will be very simple to incorporate. Also, applying textures within your program would be best (it's faster, and anim8or's UV texturing blows). I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you guys stick with it.
Heh first 2d programs used in games are alot more costly i checked them out already you can just draw your chars etc in paintshop pro and animate them you have to have the tools to do the 2d animation.
Most of wich are about 3 to 4x what max costs.
Second the game will be dx and ogl compatible useing ither a egnine such as torque etc.
I have been working in 3d snece late 97 and know all about 3d problem is my work isnt game quality well in a way it is but do to limits of the inviro i work in wich is 3d multi user chat things such as damage explosion object etc are not needed so i dont mess with them.
As for gmax not being good enough in fact it is as is milshape and many other cheap off the shelf programs.
The problem i ran in to is lack of dedication from the team i had i thought they wanted the game to be made as much as i did but i guess not some of them were very good ate their jobs but they were to involved in other little side projects to worry about a project that will take a min of 2 years to compleate probly as long as 4 or 5 years.
Any how trust me when i say ive looked at most if not all the diffrent aspects even the costs of servers and the lines and band width sertvers them self the hard ware isnt nothing i can build them my self for less than 3rd of the cost to buy the machine.
Any ways i know whats involved |

Since: 08-12-02 From: Orange County, CA
Since last post: 7902 days Last activity: 7902 days
you really should try using commas and periods.
("," and "." lol)
-------------------- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â -=[chaos]=-
Kneo  :: lvl 36/31 theif
Lagwagon ::Â lvl 21/20 archer
:: lagwagon was here :: |

Since: 11-02-02
Since last post: 8185 days Last activity: 8185 days
lagwagon do u go to ANHS? |

Since: 08-12-02 From: Orange County, CA
Since last post: 7902 days Last activity: 7902 days
umm... If thats a high school no.
If not, I'm not aware that I do.
-------------------- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â -=[chaos]=-
Kneo  :: lvl 36/31 theif
Lagwagon ::Â lvl 21/20 archer
:: lagwagon was here :: |