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Since: 02-19-02 From: England
Since last post: 8087 days Last activity: 8075 days
what i wrote before was just what happend while i play'd, i did think up an entire background history for my character, so i think i'll put it here:
(NOTE: much of this may very well be in conflic with how Gravity see's the background history of Ragnarok, since i made up a lot of the history to accompany my characer , but its all for fun )
Centuries ago a great demon ragaved the land, its name was Baphomet. It destroy'd everything in its path, nothing could stop it, untill Angels were sent forth from heaven to stop him. They were not able to completly destroy Baphomet, but they did manege to imprison him beneath the earth.
After his defeate, the angles settled a town above the prison, to watch over it. Over the centuries the town grew, and its people (who arnt pure angels anymore, but are of angelic blood) began to forget the stories of the demon. NightDreamer (thats his angelic name) was born around this time (his human name is Koiju Makoto) however, the demon had been growing in strength and brocken his bonds, but being cunning, he did not immediatly attack, instead it waited beneith the earth, slowly filering evil back into the world, raising the dead as un-dead, and turning wild creatures into violet killing machines. Eventually he was able to poison the mind of one of our greatest swordsman, twisting his soul completly, he became the DoppleGanger. The demon also maneged to summon in many nightmares, he then attacked, with the nightmares and Doppleganger at the head, the people of angelic blood fought bravely, and maneged to whipe out most of the force, but they were finnally overrun by the nightmares and the Doppleganger.
The attack was so ferocous that it pulled the town above the prison into an alternate world, and the Doppleganger and nightmares with it, few people survived, my character, NightDreamer was one, he was teleported away to prontera by a priest, who sadly died shortly after.
Baphomet, tho not as powerfull as he once was, and without his army, moved on to prontera, where he hid in the forest north of the capital city. From here he infected the land again with evil, and this time poisoned the mind of a mage in the Geffen tower, who sacrificed himself in the towers basment to create a portal from there to the town that had been sucked into an alternate world (ie, Geffen dungeon was once the great angel town)...
eerm, and thats roughly where my playing of ragnarok starts
and sorry for spelling errors, im crap at spelling, heh
thank you for reading this rather long background for my character
feel free to coment (as long as you dont just take the p*ss out of me )
EDIT: aarrrggg! i cant spell angel! i kept writting it as angle! *slaps head*
(edited by Makoto on 10-06-02 08:24 PM) |

Since: 08-12-02 From: Orange County, CA
Since last post: 7884 days Last activity: 7884 days
wow... lol i think your story is better than gravity's
gravitys story:
[Copyright][Lee Monjyoung][GRAVITY]once there was bad guys on earth but god banished them. the ppl forgot. then the animals turned bad again. thats where you start playing[/GRAVITY][/Lee Monjyoung][/Copyright]
umm..... yah lol
-------------------- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â -=[chaos]=-
Kneo  :: lvl 36/31 theif
Lagwagon ::Â lvl 21/20 archer
:: lagwagon was here :: |

Since: 09-25-02 From: Palana, Koryak, Russia
Since last post: 7935 days Last activity: 8192 days
Originally posted by Makoto well, I mostly play'd NightDreamer throughout beta 1, swordsman from Payon, got to about level 40 i think, before I retired from RO permanetly
in that time i play'd almost exclusivly with Sasami , and infact our characters where engaged
I saved up and got Sasami the full wedding outfit (acctually i think she helped pay for some of that...) a diamond ring, and a witherless rose
I think by the end of it we had all the items you can buy at the shops, heh, but it started getting old, and gravity wasnt looking after it well at all, so we stopped playing 
Lucky guy.
I may be off for a while as I'm going to be out of town on business.
Not that anyone listens to me to begin with, but I thoght I'd say so.
BTW: How much longer is until RO is up again? *whine whine*
That wasn't a sig, Karl.
Think harder next time. |
Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02 From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked! Rating: 10 (1030 pts)
Since last post: 7679 days Last activity: 7679 days
me thinks he forgot how rich we where in the end ; |

Since: 02-19-02 From: England
Since last post: 8087 days Last activity: 8075 days
exactly how rich where we in the end then? im certain it went over a million, but im not sure how much, since you where the one looking after the money
(Sasami's a lot better with money then i am, hehe )
and yes Kasatka , if you go to the screenshots section of Sasami's site (ie this one) the main piccy on the left is a screen shot i took that Sasami edited of my character and hers 
(edited by Makoto on 10-08-02 08:15 AM) |