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Since: 06-24-02 From: I'm not paranoid... Rating: 10 (400 pts)
Since last post: 7845 days Last activity: 7920 days
Hmm, I'm just sort of a person here who requests things... but correct me if I'm wrong...
-ASM code is understood in any Win32 program
-You can just put it in the right place and it'll work
So I was wondering, is there an ASM code that would detect two values and if both of them were a certain multiple of something could it cause the program to close? Once again, this is for a good purpose. |
Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02 From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked! Rating: 10 (1030 pts)
Since last post: 7697 days Last activity: 7697 days
assembly code is machine code, the lowest level language, all compilers compile down to it. I'm not gonna go into it but windows is a type of cpu emulator sort of.. or router.. in which it reads executables code then loads it into itself and runs them in turns to simulate multitasking... if you get a good assembly decompiler/editor like OLLYDBG on my programs page, you can do anything to any program with enough time and patience.
And there are many ways to detect if something is a multiple of another thing
like... here is a simple example (there are much faster and more efficient ways like just doing a floating point divide of the 2 numbers and seeing if it comes out as an integer or not.)
1000 push eax,20
1001 cmp eax,5
1002 je 1007
1003 sub ecx,5
1004 cmp ecx,1
1005 jg 1001
1006 retn
1007 (good multiple code here)
1008 retn |