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02-18-25 10:00 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - Where to learn stuff |
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Since: 09-25-02
From: Palana, Koryak, Russia

Since last post: 7912 days
Last activity: 8169 days
Posted on 09-28-02 08:13 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Doesn't qbasic stand for Quick Basic?
I started fooling with computers when I was about 6.
I learned a little qbasic when I was 9 or 10. VERY little.
I also enjoyed fiddling with Hypercard on macs. Ahhh hypercard, how I miss you...

Basically, a long and pointless career in computer technology has followed me wherever I go
Nah I dont mean that. It hasnt been that pointless...

Anyway in conclusion: 3D studio rocks!
(Being the only progream I'm actually good at it's no surprise I'd say so)

what the hell? this post is what? two weeks old?
why am I here?
Do I post too much or am I imagining it?
Someone PM me and let me know! I feel stupid here!

(edited by Kasatka on 09-28-02 07:29 AM)

Since: 08-12-02
From: Orange County, CA

Since last post: 7861 days
Last activity: 7861 days
Posted on 09-28-02 03:50 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
your not stupid. i've been here for like.... umm less than 50 days and look at my post count lol.
anyway.. i like to do 3d animation, but i am not advanced enuff yet for 3dsm, although i have it already. im currenly learning to use anim8or. then i will make use of that giant program sitting in the corner of my harddrive called 3dsm.

Kneo   ::  lvl 36/31 theif
Lagwagon ::  lvl 21/20 archer

:: lagwagon was here ::

Since: 09-25-02
From: Palana, Koryak, Russia

Since last post: 7912 days
Last activity: 8169 days
Posted on 09-28-02 11:49 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Ok thanks.
3ds isn't that hard to learn, I taught myself the basics in a few hours.
There are plenty of sites online with tutorials, like (I think that's the one) ... there are others but I cant rememeber what they're called .

Thanks for letting me know about my posts, too.
I waswondering if heh 8.15 was too high or I was making a nuiosance of myself - it's come up before, you see.
Easiest way to learn really simple stuff in 3ds - start with cubes and editable meshes. You can make a lot of stuff just with that.

Since: 05-10-02
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

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Posted on 09-29-02 02:04 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
lol. You're helping to give life to the server, though it keeps surprising me that old threads get pulled to the top.

Lemme tell you, 3ds max may be somewhat easy to use...but makeing low polygon characters has gotta be the most annoying thing you can possibly do in life. I honestly don't know how they managed to make the soulcalibre characters so darn realistic that when I can't even make a box walk...

Oh wait...I have to make the darn box first...goddangit it still doesn't look right!


Since: 09-25-02
From: Palana, Koryak, Russia

Since last post: 7912 days
Last activity: 8169 days
Posted on 09-29-02 09:56 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Yeah, that's the Achilles' heel of 3dsm - superhigh poly counts.
You CAN optimize things, tho, which is nice.

I don't really spend a lot of time with character stuff (though I really should). Most of my time goes into weaponry design and making scenery - cities usually.

I was working on a dungeon seige mod with a friend of mine, but he ended up getting a job and going back to college so I kinda had more time on my hands.
Dang bass 'tard- OooOOoooh! LooKiT yOU! tRying to LEARN STUFF! Aren'T we SPECIAL! ::lol:: *hateful glare off into space.*
Man I'm spiteful. Maybe I need a drink...

Since: 08-12-02
From: Orange County, CA

Since last post: 7861 days
Last activity: 7861 days
Posted on 09-29-02 06:22 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
well i do make things from all sorts of meshes in anim8or. the controls are more simple, so while it is easier to learn, the output isn't as great as 3dsm. im getting into making things from spliens now, so that really expands the figures/things i can make =).
i think making objects is the hardest part. figures/sequences/scenes are easy =)

oh yah and im having a hard time w/ using uvmapper to do my textures accuratly, but i think ill get the hang of it soon.

question: kasatka, did you make that sig pic of yours in 3dsm?

Kneo   ::  lvl 36/31 theif
Lagwagon ::  lvl 21/20 archer

:: lagwagon was here ::

(edited by lagwagon on 09-29-02 02:23 PM)

Since: 09-25-02
From: Palana, Koryak, Russia

Since last post: 7912 days
Last activity: 8169 days
Posted on 09-29-02 08:20 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by lagwagon
question: kasatka, did you make that sig pic of yours in 3dsm?

lol I wish!
No, this is little man is stolen from the Tropico website.
Look under 'characters' in 'Tropico'.
That has to be the most needlessly-detailed game I've ever played. It's great! *drool*

(edited by Kasatka on 09-29-02 04:22 PM)
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - Where to learn stuff |
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