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03-13-25 07:39 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - The Kindom of Sylvestra need members! |
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Since: 08-30-02
From: Asgard-Sylvestra Kingdom

Since last post: 8219 days
Last activity: 8219 days
Posted on 08-30-02 05:41 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
ylvestra! Sylvestra is a Kingdom in Ragnarok dedicated to bring Role Play, order, and meaning to the world. We are always in search for new members, and here you will find information on how to join and who we are.


(edited by Lucifer_Hellsing on 08-30-02 04:49 AM)

Since: 08-12-02
From: Orange County, CA

Since last post: 7884 days
Last activity: 7884 days
Posted on 08-30-02 07:29 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
umm i dont understand what it is... i went to the page but that only confused me more.

btw, your link points to sasami's forum index, not, you might want to change that.

Kneo   ::  lvl 36/31 theif
Lagwagon ::  lvl 21/20 archer
::lagwagon was here::

Since: 08-30-02
From: Asgard-Sylvestra Kingdom

Since last post: 8219 days
Last activity: 8219 days
Posted on 08-30-02 08:50 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
ok...I fix it now.... --------------------

Since: 08-12-02
From: Orange County, CA

Since last post: 7884 days
Last activity: 7884 days
Posted on 08-30-02 09:33 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
ok.... you fixxed it, but you still didnt tell me what purpose your little kingdom servers or what it does.

Kneo   ::  lvl 36/31 theif
Lagwagon ::  lvl 21/20 archer
::lagwagon was here::

Since: 08-30-02
From: Asgard-Sylvestra Kingdom

Since last post: 8219 days
Last activity: 8219 days
Posted on 08-30-02 09:46 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
well?....I just said that to bring the roleplay to RO....but I don't force everyone to join....well....this roleplay's interesting...I join this kingdom in Beta1 in that time this kingdom has members more than 80-100 hmm in that I'm I ever take a quest from the ruler of the kingdom....when I success to done the quest...I get the reward....and well...manythings in this kingdom.... I can't explain all here heheh--------------------

Since: 08-12-02
From: Orange County, CA

Since last post: 7884 days
Last activity: 7884 days
Posted on 08-30-02 10:51 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
well does it involve playing ragnarok? if so, i dont think it would possible considering iRO is down....

[edit] k i just read the join section on your page... sounds like some sort of a guild... so maby ill consider joining in 2 more months when iRo is back

Kneo   ::  lvl 36/31 theif
Lagwagon ::  lvl 21/20 archer
::lagwagon was here::

(edited by lagwagon on 08-30-02 06:55 AM)
Tillumni Sephirotica

Since: 03-25-02

Since last post: 8034 days
Last activity: 8034 days
Posted on 08-30-02 01:16 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Now I might be a bit wrong, but here's some basic info about Sylvestra

The kingdom of Sylvestra is a roleplayed nation, trying to give a common frame for interested roleplayers to join and meet other roleplayer. it doesn't consider it self a guild and there for accept people, who allready are member of a guild as citisen. The Kingdom faded out some months ago, but have just recently being revived and getting reorganised for the return of iRO.

Elmikie, Spell artist, Path of Pearl, Stratika, keeper of guild lore and current leader of the Vezrejai mage guild.

Since: 08-12-02
From: Orange County, CA

Since last post: 7884 days
Last activity: 7884 days
Posted on 08-30-02 09:47 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
ohhhh i see. sounds interesting ill check it out some more

Kneo   ::  lvl 36/31 theif
Lagwagon ::  lvl 21/20 archer
::lagwagon was here::
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - The Kindom of Sylvestra need members! |
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