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Since: 05-03-02
From: California
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Posted on 08-29-02 02:31 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by HyperSauce

Granted, English has only 26 characters in its alphabet while Chinese does not have such an alphabet per se (it's based on the arrangement of strokes and 'dots' for the lack of a better word). And while there are 4,000+ characters in Chinese (and Japanese Kanji and many more languages) there are 4,000+ words in English; sort of the same thing, no?

but at least in english, you can at least pronounce the word by looking at the letters. i can stare at a chinese word and never be to say it, let alone guess it's meaning... it's all memorization... and there is a chinese phonetic alphabet, but unlike english, they aren't used to make up the word.

Loki: DaiSHi 49/38 future knight, H.O.L.Y.Merchant OC
34082 exp and counting...
Flower girls are the cutest... but not as cute as my Tina

Since: 05-10-02
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Posted on 08-29-02 03:24 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
But I've heard my cousins pronounce english...they're not very good. How to pronounce english requires memorization too. All the silent letters (the), different pronunciation (tomato)...

But Chinese, there's a more set pattern used when pronouncing a word. Same with Japanese.

But memorizing isn't bad. It just takes time and effort. And 4000+ characters won't seem that much if you keep using em...In fact you might find that it's not enough

Wish I had a sig pic....

Since: 08-12-02
From: Orange County, CA

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Posted on 08-29-02 09:10 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
i agree with daishi. you learn what the sound of the letters are and you can pronounce the words. sure you may have to memorize some of the words with silent letters.... but i doubt there is even 100 of those words to memorize in the enitre english language.

Kneo   ::  lvl 36/31 theif
Lagwagon ::  lvl 21/20 archer
::lagwagon was here::

Since: 05-10-02
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Posted on 08-30-02 12:41 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Chinese and English, both languages require a different mindset. Writing, and Speech...both languages have different grammar. People that get taught one language usually find the other difficult to learn later on. Well, I gotta get back to learning chinese characters....never quite learned the 1000 most common

Amazing how this thread evolved from a simple look at this cool animation, to a more complex topic on how languages are different. Ah well.

Wish I had a sig pic....

Since: 08-12-02
From: Orange County, CA

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Posted on 08-30-02 01:45 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
well then.... back to the topic, kinda.

if anyone on these forums speaks/reads whatever language (japenese/chinese?) that site is in, could you kindly translate it for me?

Kneo   ::  lvl 36/31 theif
Lagwagon ::  lvl 21/20 archer
:lagwagon was here:

(edited by lagwagon on 08-29-02 09:46 PM)

Since: 05-10-02
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Posted on 08-30-02 03:35 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
I'm gonna say this before someone else does...someone's gonna say it anyway...

Try an online translator like altavista or (babblefish?)
probably not 70% accurate...but you'll get somewhere.

Wish I had a sig pic....

Since: 08-12-02
From: Orange County, CA

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Posted on 08-30-02 03:59 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
ok ill try it. heh i bet it wont be too bad.... it will just sound like the usual patch update news from gravity heh

Kneo   ::  lvl 36/31 theif
Lagwagon ::  lvl 21/20 archer
::lagwagon was here::

Since: 04-28-02
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Posted on 08-30-02 11:38 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by MingShun
I'm gonna say this before someone else does...someone's gonna say it anyway...

Try an online translator like altavista or (babblefish?)
probably not 70% accurate...but you'll get somewhere. to it before I did .

Since: 05-10-02
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Posted on 08-30-02 11:52 PMQuote | Edit | Delete

Wish I had a sig pic....

Since: 06-04-02
From: Washington

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Posted on 09-01-02 12:19 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by Chibi-Bar
cute... I'm sure they got their inspiration from it

Didn't the same group make it?

Since: 05-10-02
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Posted on 09-01-02 02:24 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Really? Then Ragnarok Battle Online may be real someday Kewl!

Wish I had a sig pic....

Since: 08-12-02
From: Orange County, CA

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Posted on 09-01-02 03:54 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
well i think i would prefer a 3d environment, so i probably wouldnt like RBO....

Kneo   ::  lvl 36/31 theif
Lagwagon ::  lvl 21/20 archer
::lagwagon was here::

Since: 05-10-02
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Posted on 09-01-02 04:38 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
3d is much harder to control though...well no, the games I played just had a difficult interface. But I think it'll be quite difficult to make 3D characters that look as good as the 2D ones...and don't tell me to put 2D characters in a 3D world, that's insanely difficult

Wish I had a sig pic....

Since: 08-12-02
From: Orange County, CA

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Posted on 09-02-02 07:36 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
2d characters in a 3d world... hey that reminds me of ragnarok! lol

Kneo   ::  lvl 36/31 theif
Lagwagon ::  lvl 21/20 archer
:: lagwagon was here ::

Since: 05-10-02
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Posted on 09-02-02 09:32 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Haha, guess I'm still in a ragnarok mood then

Wish I had a sig pic....

Since: 06-05-02
From: NW ITaly (EU)

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Posted on 09-03-02 06:01 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by MingShun
But I've heard my cousins pronounce english...they're not very good. How to pronounce english requires memorization too. All the silent

Hmm... best language to pronounce is Italian.

You pronounce what you read ... and no sound modifier like in English. (rich, reach, reech)
Straight grammatics as well... the only bother is verbs tense/pronouns conjugations...


BTW: I can translate you some from Italian or French ... but can you please...

translate from me the message JRagB2 is giving me....
After I returned from holliday sunday.. I get it every time I login with correct ID and correct pass:


That is what I've reconstructed from the Rag windows using the charmap. Like decripting
Altavista dont reconize some char.
Probally I got some wrong ... so look out for mistakes

Yes, I should exit with a J-IP unless I go out from HK node.

AlainCh ( I would have liked to learn J in my young time, I will when I retire


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
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Posted on 09-03-02 08:45 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by AlainCh

Straight grammatics as well... the only bother is verbs tense/pronouns conjugations...

i guess the good thing about chinese. no conjugations, no pronoun differences... I = me, we = us

Loki: DaiSHi 49/38 future knight, H.O.L.Y.Merchant OC
36232 exp and counting...
Flower girls are the cutest... but not as cute as my Tina

Since: 06-05-02
From: NW ITaly (EU)

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Posted on 09-03-02 10:14 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by AlainCh


Not exactly what I did paste from my block notes...

so please look here :

Many many thanks.

conjugations ? Italian it's more, more, more easier then French!!

AlainCh ( never mind, English is complicated enough

(edited by AlainCh on 09-03-02 07:13 AM)

Since: 08-12-02
From: Orange County, CA

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Posted on 09-03-02 04:26 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
too bad school doesnt teach italian... i think it would be cool to speak the language, work at an italian resturant, mabey even join the mafia! heh... o well too bad for me.

Kneo   ::  lvl 36/31 theif
Lagwagon ::  lvl 21/20 archer
:: lagwagon was here ::

Since: 06-05-02
From: NW ITaly (EU)

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Posted on 09-04-02 09:19 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
MAFIA another mith.

Yes It exist ...
like in any country and any ethnic group you will find a specific outlaw organization doing Great !!

AlainCh ( no-one like Italian to show off
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