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03-31-25 10:42 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - any tips for a mySQL newbie? |
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Since: 05-03-02
From: Vancouver
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

Since last post: 8161 days
Last activity: 8091 days
Posted on 08-06-02 05:36 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
I'm writing a program and I've split it into 3 parts

-mySQL database
-server which talks directly to the database
-client which talks to the server

anyhoo, I was wondering if anybody's got any tips I could use. I haven't used SQL stuff in about 2 years so I got to break out ye' old text books

Here's one question though that I'd really like to know:
I can design the database and all it's tables in Access or Excel easily. Is there any way (preferably easy) to import one of these databases into the mySQL server?
Also, does anybody have any Quicksheets of SQL queries that I can use for reference? I can't even remember how the SELECT command works anymore

BTW, off topic (in my own thread ) but I couldn't help but notice many topics asking about sockets and stuff. I found this neat API which simplifies everything at codeguru:
It's got VERY easy commands to set up a server/client architecture over TCP/IP. Unfortunately it's programmed mostly using microsoft's afx headers (MFC), but nothing a little tweaking can't cure

Since: 06-18-02
From: pontera tavern

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Posted on 08-06-02 03:02 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
MySQL is the easiest of all the SQL's IMO, so your lucky there. I am doing MsSQL or SQL server2000 as its also called. thats a bit more confusing for me.

i don't think you can use the access or excel files.. at least i don't know of a way. if u find out that you can, post it so i can try that too..

u wanted some example code?

INSERT INTO brands(mfg,brand) values('"manufacturer_name"','"brand_name"');
SELECT DISTINCT brand FROM products WHERE mfg='"manufacturer_name"' ORDER BY brand

this is in php.. i didn't feel like converting it.
UPDATE products set sku='$sku',name='".$name."',class='".$class."',price='".$price."',mfg='".$mfg."',brand='".$brand."',active=".$active.",push=".$push." WHERE id=".$id;

FROM members
WHERE name='bakedbeans'

er.. this is coldfusion.. i was lazy again.
INSERT INTO members(name, password, email, gender, access, editdate, createdate)
VALUES('#name#', '#Hash(pass)#', '#email#', '#gender#', '4', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)

hmm.. looking at your post again, i doubt this is what u wanted.. my bad. the site i have is for SQL server, i have books that i use for MySQL. if you need help with something u can email me though or just post it here.. i usually check back twice a day.


Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
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Posted on 08-06-02 05:09 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
you can import an access file via a program called Mysql Front, download it from

Since: 05-03-02
From: Vancouver
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

Since last post: 8161 days
Last activity: 8091 days
Posted on 08-06-02 06:27 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
cool, it's a start

actually, I figured a way to have Microsoft Access directly communicate with mySQL server, it requires you do install the myODBC drivers, then to set up a datasource connection. Only problem is, is that I can't seem to get my changes in access to update in the mySQL server database ~_^

If I can get my myODBC stuff working perfectly I'll tell everyone. Running mySQL looks very easy, and I already got the APIs so that my server program can talk to it easily too, but if I could get access as the primary interface to the database then all my direct database editing will be as easy as pie

Since: 04-26-02
From: USA, NJ

Since last post: 8168 days
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Posted on 08-06-02 06:35 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
postgreSQL works as well, I believe this is also available at and tucows. It's more reliable than mySQL and has more features, but the price you pay is it's more difficult to work with.
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - any tips for a mySQL newbie? |
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