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02-16-25 02:22 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - Sasami leaving -&- what about the proggies..? |
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Since: 06-24-02
From: I'm not paranoid...
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

Since last post: 7802 days
Last activity: 7877 days
Posted on 08-15-02 06:22 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Sasami is right (or will be). Eventually they'll come up with a new type of technology (I dunno, fiber optic proscessors =P) that'll boost up current speeds and most likely make a new sort of "law". I think the prefix you're looking for is quadrahertz.

Mwaha, VR would get realistic. In fact, we may already be in a VR world where each of our thoughts is being simulated by complex programming and nothing really exists at all but us as background noise in a computer program from a higher entity that is farther in technology than us right now. Erm... yeah... they're alerady close to VR. AI systems are getting better (at least with speech) and cell shading will eventually turn into where each actual cell in a body is accounted for. (You lick walls?)


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

Since last post: 7654 days
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Posted on 08-15-02 06:47 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
u guys completely lost me. wish i were exposed to programming many many years ago... ah well... gotta start somewhere...

Loki: DaiSHi 49/38 future knight, H.O.L.Y.Merchant OC
30622 exp and counting...
Flower girls are the cutest... but not as cute as my Tina
current anime: cowboy bebop
next anime : hack.sign
past anime : fushigi yuugi

Since: 05-10-02
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

Since last post: 7702 days
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Posted on 08-15-02 01:52 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Umm many times did you watch the matrix? ; ...We're living in a VR world? Freaky...

and the wall licking thing...only if it's the old witch's house that Hanzel and Gretel went to.

Wish I had a sig pic....

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

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Posted on 08-15-02 02:19 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
i caught the matrix reference and the rest but you lost me at the licking walls ;

Since: 06-24-02
From: I'm not paranoid...
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

Since last post: 7802 days
Last activity: 7877 days
Posted on 08-15-02 05:26 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
What was the topic again?

I was just saying it was possible and that point should be coming soon [S](11 times ><)[/S].

Back to the topic please. (if possible)

Since: 05-10-02
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

Since last post: 7702 days
Last activity: 7702 days
Posted on 08-16-02 02:40 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Fairy tale, I'm too confused to explain though. What was the topic about again?

Wish I had a sig pic....
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - Sasami leaving -&- what about the proggies..? |
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