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03-31-25 11:12 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - Sasami leaving -&- what about the proggies..? |
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Since: 07-17-02
From: Poland

Since last post: 8292 days
Last activity: 8293 days
Posted on 07-17-02 06:34 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
As Sasami seems to have closed her email account (why?? ) I'm posting this here.

Well, I'm sorry to see you quit.

Though I accept your choice, still it makes me wonder: more and more
people keep completely quitting various forums, games, mailing lists,
etc. - "because they were taking too much of their time". It surprises
me a lot, as usually when something takes too much of my time, I just do
less of it, so as not to lose any acquaintances, not to leave anyone
completely stranded without my help, and so on. And for that, I don't
need to sell my TV to stop watching it so much, uninstall a game to stop
wasting so much of my time on it, uninstall mIRC not to waste my time in
chat channels so much, and so on... It just makes me wonder, why people
need to sever all their connections to something, just to spend less
time on it...

Anyway, not to tell you what to do and what not to, let this e-mail of
mine be a vote, of sorts: if you're definitely positive on quitting and never coming back to creating all of those wonderful little programs you're so famous for - please at least put up a commented source code for them, or something, so that someone else can carry your work on... It's just sad to see such a load of incredible work fade into history, discontinued.

I hope you understand what I'm trying to convey. You did a damn good job creating those programs, and it would make a lot of people very sad if all that work just withered and died, fading into the ashes of history, as someone once put it...

Anyway, whatever you choose to do, I wish you good luck on your RL outside of Ragnarok Take care!

Multitasking: Screwing up several things at once...

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

Since last post: 7697 days
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Posted on 07-17-02 06:56 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
hmm... you know... maybe I will start coming back to the forums now. Not many people are here any more so it's not really a bother, and I'm not really addicted to rag anymore. Now to hit every point of your post.

I closed my email account because I got tired of people constantly emailing me and begging me for things "Can i have your account!" "Can i have bunnys!" "Can you delete your account so i can have the name!" "teach me how to dupe" etc etc etc, not to mention the 1-6 viruses that came with them a day... mmm norton... ...

I quit permanently for two main reasons. #1 I was ADDICTED. When one is addicted to something even the slightest thought or trial of it can bring them back. If I where one to smoke (and i'm sure I would porbably become addicted if I ever tried because I easily get addicted to things, which is why i never have nor will try one) and i wanted to quit, I would quit cold turkey. The second reason I quit completly because even thinking about it made me either angry or depressed. I put more than any of you could imagine into this game, and it turned out so wrong.... I now hate ragnarok, gravity, and everything they stand for.
If it wasn't for these two reasons I may have stayed around or cut back.

As for the work, the original reason I never released it was because I didn't want general script kiddeys to put trojans in it. (So far the only peoples work I do respect as actually being good programmers are Arsenic's and Artforz's.) I wanted to keep 1 original exe that was only distributed on my site so people couldn't accuse me of anything if someone else messed with my code. Since they don't work anymore it may not be a bad idea to put up the code, I wouldn't mind, but it would be unfair to ask me to comment it. Right now everything I do is private. I purposly make my code as hard to understand as I can so that
#1 I can show it to other people and scare them
#2 If it where stolen it would give the thief a real headache to work with
I do all my programming myself and have never released my sources, they are uncommented and sloppy (but very efficient and small). Most of it is all explained in my tutorial if you hadn't checked it out on the programs page. Well, the external aspect is completly explained, and I could almost assure you that noone would have any idea of what was going on with the assembly code by looking at the code of my program, not even I could decipher that easily now. The only way I could really decipher and remember what was going on was let it run then look at the assembly it added in the ragnarok exe. Hm... since I am now going into professonal work however I should probably make my code readable .

On another note... I do feel for all the nice and good ragnarok players out there having a hard time. And I tried to help as much as I could when I was working for you and gravity, but I also saw ever more lamers using my work to their advantage... that aggrivates me. Ja.

[edit] Just looked back at the source codes again, the exp program one is real icky, the warp to save isn't actually too bad ^_^

Since: 07-17-02
From: Poland

Since last post: 8292 days
Last activity: 8293 days
Posted on 07-17-02 07:33 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Hey, didn't want to make it sound as bad as you apparently took it. Well, looks like being delicate and supportive isn't my kettle of fish

The tone which your "last news" were written in seemed to me as very serious and a tad Watashiwa-like, though without the sheer bitterness his goodbye contained. I would've just hated to see another good website completely abandoned and its worthy author disappeared - that's why your answer here makes me so much happy: even if you won't write another program for RO, now I know that you're still out there, reachable should the need arise.

Though, I must admit, it grieves me to see valuable people like yourself cut themselves off on purpose - like, shutting your email address down - due to the meddlings of lamers and other begging idiots... Lameness defeating solid stances, idiocy overwhelming normality?? What is this world coming to??...

Anyway, don't mind me too much, I'm just in a philosophical mood right now (it DOES show, doesn't it. ) Just wanted to drop in a warm word of support or two. Take care, and good luck with this MMORPG of yours! Oh, and you might want to contact me, should you need a musician for it - as I presume you have graphics artists and 3D modellers a plenty Ja.

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

Since last post: 7697 days
Last activity: 7697 days
Posted on 07-17-02 08:52 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
I didn't take it bad O.o I thought my smiley faces in my post would denote that :-p mmm... i am very bitter of gravity, I had been forcing myself to hold back for months with knowledge I had on them and didn't want to share because of my conciounce, but in the end I felt it was needed...I still know a lot more I'm not going to talk about... it was just not worth holding it in and letting them get away with it.

Music huh... that has been a very large concern of mine -.- I don't know what we are gonna do about that... I mean, I composed a number of years ago, but my music sucked . Weee cakewalk 1.0, I have the cd of that hehe. Even started making my own midi program at one point, then got bored of it hehe. But anyways, I figured we'd work on the music after we got a large chunk of it up and knew how the atmosphere was going to work better. We'll see when the time comes

[edit] I knew I recognized your name from somewhere! You did the Ro Skinner ^_^

Since: 07-17-02
From: Poland

Since last post: 8292 days
Last activity: 8293 days
Posted on 07-17-02 09:50 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Uh oh... you mean there's more critical security vulnerabilities in Ragnarok that Gravity consistently refuses to take proper care of?? I must admit that, though I don't play anymore either, it still surprises me how much they neglect to set their priorities in the correct order: security first, new features next; tester feedback first, own ideas next; and, the last but not least, NO ENGRISH for fork's sake!.. ugh... off topic. Way off topic. Must stop. Breathe in. Breathe out. Goto 10. ... phew. Better.

ROskin... Hah! I knew my fame would precede me!

As for the music, well, I'm not really good at midis - I largely prefer modules like .XM or .IT - or the wave/MP3 output they can be rendered into. But, given appropriate instruments, these can surpass all soundfont-enhanced MIDI songs by far. If raw wave or MP3-encoded ambience or background tracks is what you will be looking for in the future, then I may help you out, if time in RL permits. Feel free to contact me, anytime you find suitable. I presume you still have my e-mail address?

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

Since last post: 7697 days
Last activity: 7697 days
Posted on 07-17-02 10:40 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
you see in my day we only had midis! Not like you young whipersnappers with your "mp3s" and your "mods". Oh no, we used midi and we where happy we had that much! I had to wait fifteeeeen minutes just to get online with my 2400 baud! Pft, kids these days! No respect! No respect at all!

Hehe, sorry, yes i am only 18 years old but i did go through everything i said there

yeah, roskin, i new i remembered your name from somewhere cause i had put roskin on my programs page and i usually remember when I am forced to type something In CaPs AnD LoWeR cAsE MaXxX :-p.

I'm pretty sure I will have the songs in MP3. As I said, it will be a while before I really think about the music.

Since: 07-17-02
From: Poland

Since last post: 8292 days
Last activity: 8293 days
Posted on 07-17-02 11:36 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Hah hah hah! Don't you dare lecture me about the days of old, little one!

In "my days" there weren't even midis, there were PC built-in speaker tunes! Simulated arpeggiated polyphony was the fun stuff

Then, there came the FM modulated ones. Ah, the joy of creating an even better bass synth effect, just with the attack/decay/sustain/release envelope! And all crammed into 2 to 8 kB!

But, should you interview your local Amiga scene musicians, you'd hear quite a different tale about "mods". Samples remixed at different pitches, whole songs sized from 4k to 100k... Yes, nowadays with 44k/16bit/stereo samples enlarge the songs up to over a megabyte, but that does nothing to diminish the role of the good ol' 8k/8bit/mono-sampled songs that used to rock the Amiga scene back in the 80's.

Yes, I took my own personal and practical history lessons to heart. Therefore I hope that "whippersnapper" bit wasn't really meant for me, for if it were, it would be way off mark a remark. Not to mention your persistent calling me a kid, seeing as I could easily return the favor.

Nah, no offense taken, of course. Just don't lose my e-mail address before you start getting to the music parts, okay?
Ah, and I'm sorry for the trouble tYpInG mY nIcKnAmE has been putting you through. Can't help it much, though... that's the way I'm spelled. All other Maxxxes and MaxxXes and MaXXXes are fakes! I'm the only, original, unique MaXxX!

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

Since last post: 7697 days
Last activity: 7697 days
Posted on 07-18-02 03:14 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
actually, i've learned to expect people to be older then me when dealing with the people who I see actually turn good work (programmers, good site admins, artists). I always seem to be younger . Everything I had said in that post was a joke, I had assumed you were older than me God... pc speaker music... it's been so long... i miss the old days *sighs* when there was no such thing as a blue screen of death or windows

Since: 07-17-02
From: Poland

Since last post: 8292 days
Last activity: 8293 days
Posted on 07-18-02 08:50 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Well, your tone was a bit serious, and so was mine. But jokes galore on both sides, all right.


*sits in the corner*
*launches his Speccy emulator*
*shuts up and basks in the warm glow of nostalgia*


oh, by the way, do you know of any GOOD cpu slowdown TSR program for DOS? I can't play any of the ages-old games of mine, as they all run on rocket speed, and MoSlo doesn't do the job properly in most cases (it slows the game, yes, but from lightning-speed-all-the-time to lightning-speed-for-0.1-second-and-then-0.4-second-pause)...

Uh, this is getting WAY off any topic here. You might want to reply by e-mail, so as not to clog the forums with non-related posts...

Since: 05-02-02

Since last post: 8285 days
Last activity: 8319 days
Posted on 07-18-02 06:37 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Ahhh, now you got me wanting to install my copy of OS/2 v2.01.

Since: 07-20-02
From: Earth

Since last post: 8290 days
Last activity: 8290 days
Posted on 07-20-02 02:32 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Hey I'm just new to this board and i'm here just to reply to your asking of a program that slows down your computer enough to play old games..Well I got one for you. You can download it at , it is called CpuKiller..(I know the name is scary but trust me, it rocks.) You get to choose what you want the computers speed to at like. (like 150mhz). And this best part is that it works.. I'm stuck on ragnarok and gravity is taking to long..does anyone have any programs that work on beta 2, that will warp me out of black part? Just email me your answer because i probably won't get on this board again....bye
Originally posted by MaXxX
Well, your tone was a bit serious, and so was mine. But jokes galore on both sides, all right.


*sits in the corner*
*launches his Speccy emulator*
*shuts up and basks in the warm glow of nostalgia*


oh, by the way, do you know of any GOOD cpu slowdown TSR program for DOS? I can't play any of the ages-old games of mine, as they all run on rocket speed, and MoSlo doesn't do the job properly in most cases (it slows the game, yes, but from lightning-speed-all-the-time to lightning-speed-for-0.1-second-and-then-0.4-second-pause)...

Uh, this is getting WAY off any topic here. You might want to reply by e-mail, so as not to clog the forums with non-related posts...

Since: 07-22-02
From: Illinois

Since last post: 7878 days
Last activity: 8209 days
Posted on 07-22-02 09:48 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
My first computer filled a room. When I started, I used the C-64 at school to dial a VAX that I was not supposed to be dialling. I still have parts from the machine after it was decommissioned. The CPU is a set of boards about the size of your monitor. PDP-10s are fun too. I have one, KS10 system #4469. It's about 6 feet tall, and takes a lot of power to run. The harddisk is crashed, though, so it only runs programs that I download to it over the console line. Writing your own operating system is fun. As far as all these kids out there, talking about your microcomputers or the newest greatest thing, I always tell them that while their machine may be faster, mine would smash theirs if it fell over on it.


Since: 05-02-02

Since last post: 8285 days
Last activity: 8319 days
Posted on 07-25-02 04:07 AMQuote | Edit | Delete they have software that will overclock for you...the days of hardware overclocking is slowly dying...wait, people will still need to build adequate cooling devices.

Since: 05-10-02
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

Since last post: 7745 days
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Posted on 08-13-02 10:49 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Yeah, but instead of the windows blue screen of death, we got a computer that froze, spit out weird messages at odd times, and ran at 66 MHz (Woohoo!)

Can't believe we're at 2 GHz now...It's all so confusing. How can anyone keep up?

And the 66 MHz...I dunno. I saw a chart that said that computers weren't keeping up with their processor speed...

Wish I had a sig pic....

Since: 04-28-02
From: Toronto
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

Since last post: 8072 days
Last activity: 7704 days
Posted on 08-14-02 01:16 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by MingShun
Can't believe we're at 2 GHz now...It's all so confusing. How can anyone keep up?

The latest Pentium 4 is clocked at 2.53GHz (overclockable to speeds higher than 3 GHz)!

And it was only a few years ago that computers barely reached the 1GHz mark..

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

Since last post: 7697 days
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Posted on 08-15-02 12:57 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Terahertz processors in 2004...

Look here, terahertz processors with using just floating point operations.

(edited by Sasami on 08-14-02 09:02 PM)

Since: 06-24-02
From: I'm not paranoid...
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

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Posted on 08-15-02 12:59 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
I don't think so... I've only heard that proscessor speed doubles every year (and from what I've seen it's correct).

Since: 04-28-02
From: Toronto
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

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Last activity: 7704 days
Posted on 08-15-02 01:32 AMQuote | Edit | Delete

Moore's Law...the link contains the theory stated by Gordon Moore and some related articles, although the articles are a bit dated now. This is exactly what Kaz is talking about.

Giga speed seems fast enough, but Tera speed? Guess people will be making machines to see who can calculate pi faster.

Since: 05-10-02
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

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Posted on 08-15-02 04:25 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Pi? Naah, VR! VR will be much much...screw it, VERY realistic. You'd even be able to taste the walls

Hey, I'm a game programmer wannabe...what can I say?

Wish I had a sig pic....

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

Since last post: 7697 days
Last activity: 7697 days
Posted on 08-15-02 05:40 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
i am quite awre what moores law is, and it doesnt have to be true. Shouldnt really be a law... but... As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing holding us back from making making processors that ran 1000 terahertz (cant remember the right prefix), the only problem is the current size and accuracy of how we can work, as our technology gets better, we can make things smaller and therefore faster. It's all a matter of time. I'm sure people 20 years ago would never have expected to see even terahertz computers, don't underestimate
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - Sasami leaving -&- what about the proggies..? |
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