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03-31-25 10:50 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - Sourcecode ??? |
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Since: 06-19-02
From: Germany

Since last post: 8317 days
Last activity: 8317 days
Posted on 06-19-02 06:57 PMQuote | Edit | Delete

i have got a question. Can give me the source code for the program ? Or a piece of it ? I need to know how you can add a window to Ragnarokonline (ingame). I will do nothing bad with the code. I will integrate an external chat (on a website) as a plugin. Oehm... Another question. In which programming language was the programm writen ?
Please answer me and sorry for my bad english - im a German.



Since: 04-28-02
From: Portugal

Since last post: 8318 days
Last activity: 8306 days
Posted on 06-21-02 09:46 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
erm, what program?
if you mean Ragnarok Online then forget it, because I dont think Gravity will release any in the future.
As for sasami's programs, you should look more carefully at their own section:
there's some tutorials and some pieces of coding there I guess.

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Since: 06-19-02
From: Germany

Since last post: 8317 days
Last activity: 8317 days
Posted on 06-23-02 11:25 AMQuote | Edit | Delete

no not Ragnarokonline... Sorry.
I meant the Source of the EXP Viewer. Or this piece where i can see how to include a window to RO.
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - Sourcecode ??? |
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