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02-16-25 03:00 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - Ragnarok should give us the good servers |
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Zero The Swordsman

Since: 05-03-02

Since last post: 8247 days
Last activity: 8214 days
Posted on 06-18-02 11:28 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Why do the korens and japanese people get the good servers when we got like 1000 year old servers! i mean man move to america and work with our servers instead

Since: 06-18-02
From: Canada

Since last post: 7738 days
Last activity: 7738 days
Posted on 06-19-02 12:11 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
To them, America is only a water tester because their main profit base is in Japan and Korea. They basically don't even care if they make a dime of us or not because we're not as important to them. I remember playing another popular anime online game called "QuizQuiz". They too had three servers to deal with, Japanese, Korean and English. Of course the Korean server was ahead of the other servers but the thing is, the Japanese server survived because people over there like anime games and respect the servers, while the English server just bombed out due to massive hacks and disconnects.

I doubt they gonna give us a better server, I think we're lucky enough to be able to play with all these hacks/bots things going on.
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - Ragnarok should give us the good servers |
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