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03-31-25 11:42 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Other External Programs Discussion - Why some ppl try to hack RO? |
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Arc Roacheford

Since: 06-16-02
From: Sylvestra

Since last post: 8288 days
Last activity: 8288 days
Posted on 06-17-02 05:15 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Greeting It's Arc here...
I wish to answer why? I think the game will not fun enough as we play by the rule and play with I seek the answer why they try to hack and sent the bots ....It cause thegame lag and etc....

Thank you
Arc Roacheford
(Dark Lucifer The Wizard Of Dark Element)

The end of the dark one will return peace to the world

Since: 04-26-02

Since last post: 8296 days
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Posted on 06-17-02 06:00 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
I guess there is a "fun" factor in the hacking process...
You learn how things work in the process... like you take apart the old toy car just to learn how the wheels turns and stuff

Think of it as another way of playing the game

Playing with the game executable that is....

as long as the person keep the hacks harmless to others I am cool with it....
arsenic is one of those person who comes up with nice stuff, the "no limit camera" is a great one (it stops to work for current patch already). and I consider his hacks are harmless enough.

Since: 05-03-02
From: Illinois, USA

Since last post: 8253 days
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Posted on 06-17-02 06:05 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Well that zoom hack allow the cast anywhere to be better. >.<
Arc Roacheford

Since: 06-16-02
From: Sylvestra

Since last post: 8288 days
Last activity: 8288 days
Posted on 06-17-02 06:11 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Greeting It's Arc here
Thank you for your opinion Ysuki and kei
but... what about bots?

The end of the dark one will return peace to the world

Since: 05-03-02
From: Illinois, USA

Since last post: 8253 days
Last activity: 8244 days
Posted on 06-17-02 12:30 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
They're very annoying. They KS you everywhere and loot you also. I saw an earring dropped twice and a bot took both. And I never got one.
Arc Roacheford

Since: 06-16-02
From: Sylvestra

Since last post: 8288 days
Last activity: 8288 days
Posted on 06-17-02 12:40 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Oh.....that's bot is so..... I'm sorry for you sir Ysuki if the bot's not there you might get 2 earring

Arc Roacheford
(Dark Lucifer The Wizard of Dark Element)

The end of the dark one will return peace to the world

Since: 06-18-02
From: Canada

Since last post: 7781 days
Last activity: 7781 days
Posted on 06-18-02 06:37 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Bots are basically dumb if you ask me. People who cheats are usually immature kids or people without a sense of moral. I mean, if you wanted to brag to your friend that you have a 99/50 character, I doubt you gonna tell them you didn't actually get him up there all by yourself instead you let a computer do it. People who exploit or use hack programs made by others, are people who don't really enjoy playing the game, infact they get tired of games very easily.

BTW the game was really fun and enjoyable before they introduced the hacks/bots and stuff. After that the game just went downhill, I mean you can't login, and if you do manage to login, you find yourself in a room full of bots. Very frustrating and annoying to play. I only play occassionally now, and at most times, I won't even play for long, it's not like before when I can play hours on end with my party. Even some of my party members have either quit or only play occassionally cuz of this...sigh...
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Other External Programs Discussion - Why some ppl try to hack RO? |
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