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Since: 06-13-02
Since last post: 8327 days Last activity: 8312 days
im tired of doing calculations on my calculator so im wondering Sasami... do u know where i can dl this thing or can u make a program like this.... I personally dont think if this is a hack, but if u do then u can pass reading this msg

Since: 05-03-02 From: California Rating: 10 (400 pts)
Since last post: 7697 days Last activity: 7697 days
Originally posted by xo_phoenix_ox im tired of doing calculations on my calculator so im wondering Sasami... do u know where i can dl this thing or can u make a program like this.... I personally dont think if this is a hack, but if u do then u can pass reading this msg
well..i don't think sasami will be seeing this post. if she does... she'll probably not reply. since Item_Collector ( i loved him) stopped at gravity's request, it might be fair to him to not use one... i think he posted his source code up, or was that someone else...
anyways, i take the time to calculate on my calculator and read my dozen or so pages of prices... don't be lazy. if u want, just to go to payon and buy certain items. usually you get the same items over and over, so you can just memorize prices... u might even see me there
if you're lazy, then go look for that website that'll calc for you... too bad i don't have the link anymore, since i formatted this comp. XP'ified
edit:'s happened. i was in payon, and 20% oc war started... then i noticed that Mi Mi was using an OC script...not even i could calc that fast with prices i have in my head... guess i'll only be doing personal OC now (btw i noticed a few days ago, just decided to post the update now.)
Loki: DaiSHi 48/35 swordman, H.O.L.Y.Merchant OC, Robbin'Hood 37/27 Thief, HOLYFistsOfFury 24/17 Puncholyte
12703 exp and counting... || good luck to everyone who has finals
Flower girls are the cutest... but not as cute as my Tina
(edited by DaiSHi on 06-15-02 09:33 PM) |