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Since: 05-24-02 From: Mars 3rd Colony
Since last post: 8050 days Last activity: 8040 days
so um Sasami quits RO (again)? well it sucks anyway I haven't been there for a long while. Try some other MMORPGs betas: - best I'v seen.. really sets the standers. - another good one... some of the system needs to be better, but I say they are better then Gravity.
PS: quitting is the answer, If everyone quits Gravity gets no MONEY in the end.

Since: 04-16-02 Rating: 10 (400 pts)
Since last post: 7772 days Last activity: 7728 days
well.. from a personal business (at least I have a business that I help run) standpoint. The customer satisfaction is very important and should be consider when pushing a new product. I personally think Gravity is doing well catering their home customer, Korea, and Japan. There is a large market for "cute" RPG style. Look at the current trend of MMORPG in the current U.S. market.. most are "hack and slash" with little cuteness. RO have a lot of cuteness and may cater to a different crowd in the U.S. Korea and Japan (especially Japan where most of the anime comes from) live in that type of setting.. thus it would be more benificial for Gravity to "cater" to those market. They are testing the waters in the U.S. and check out the player base... but may not be "serious" in their customer satisfaction in the English beta (since it is not just U.S.) in most business you would want to make sure your home market is stable before going overseas
-------------------- Chibi-Bar
Your Local Merchant on Chaos/Loki |

Since: 05-03-02 From: California Rating: 10 (400 pts)
Since last post: 7679 days Last activity: 7679 days
hehe, never thought i'd hear from you Armra, only saw your name...
i'm too lazy to play shining lore, unless a lot of my friends move to play it
i heard dungeon seige is pretty fun...
and yes, i think asia is grav's higher priority, ebeta is just to give everyone else a taste...
-------------------- Loki: DaiSHi 48/35 swordman, H.O.L.Y.Merchant OC, Robbin'Hood 37/27 Thief, HOLYFistsOfFury 24/17 Puncholyte
12582 exp and counting... || good luck to everyone who has finals
Flower girls are the cutest... but not as cute as my Tina |

Since: 05-17-02
Since last post: 8253 days Last activity: 7937 days
Everyone, and I DO mean everyone could quit the beta and Gravity would STILL make money.
Remember and always remember that betatests are not for anyone's enjoyment, but simply for the purpose of testing code further than in lab testing and to iron out bugs. Additionally it can be used to make upgrades to engines, rethink designs or add new art. Frankly it doesn't matter what any of the betatesters think of how the betatesting PROCESS went, because the final game will always be in some ways different.
When brought to market, it will still attract hordes and hordes of people who have either NOT heard about it, or just see it on the shelf and would like to try it. |

Since: 06-06-02 From: errr?
Since last post: 8302 days Last activity: 8282 days
Dungeon Siege? ewww, that game is a rip-off Diablo 2. A horrible one. I was watching my older brother play it, it was like a slow paced Diablo 2, except without all the crowd killing stuff. You just sit there with your sword or bow or whatever, fire, slash, fire. Boring. Plus I already see hacks for it, and it looks like its hackable like Diablo 1. Well, that's just my opinion. Dont let my opinion stop you from buying a copy  |

Since: 05-03-02 From: California Rating: 10 (400 pts)
Since last post: 7679 days Last activity: 7679 days
well kup0, i'm probably not going to play it... some of my friends beat it already, so if it was that easy, then it's not worth it... games like Max Payne that take only 10 hours to beat don't give me enough... now i wanna get the Unreal Tournament demo my friend has... insane grafx... i could see each individual blade of leaves on the plants... the floors were filled with twigs and dead grass... the bots had pretty good AI... i must get...
*ignore this whining unless you're bored*
::begin rant::
p.s. next few days until monday, i won't be on here as much... since i'm back on AOL 56k (yuck²). i can't wait to get my broadband... so no RO for me for awhile...
my feet are dirty, calloused, and hurt... i ran from my car to the third floor at least 20 times... i ran non-stop for 3 hours to move my stuff... made 3 car trips home (2 today) my knees and body ache... i didn't get a chance to shower tonite.. i checked out 1.5 hours after my checkout time... i broke a ceramic bobbing head panda, which was a gift... so yea... today was hectic... i'm praying i didn't leave any cables or cd's in the room... i skipped dinner... and i have work tomorrow... i miss my suitemates... be thankful you are not me... good nite
::end rant::
-------------------- Loki: DaiSHi 48/35 swordman, H.O.L.Y.Merchant OC, Robbin'Hood 37/27 Thief, HOLYFistsOfFury 24/17 Puncholyte
13030 exp and counting... || good luck to everyone who has finals
Flower girls are the cutest... but not as cute as my Tina |

Since: 02-19-02 From: England
Since last post: 8087 days Last activity: 8075 days
Originally posted by kup0 Dungeon Siege? ewww, that game is a rip-off Diablo 2. A horrible one. I was watching my older brother play it, it was like a slow paced Diablo 2, except without all the crowd killing stuff. You just sit there with your sword or bow or whatever, fire, slash, fire. Boring. Plus I already see hacks for it, and it looks like its hackable like Diablo 1. Well, that's just my opinion. Dont let my opinion stop you from buying a copy 
bah, dont knock till you try it fool
ive play'd it lots, and its acctually FASTER then D2, its also still got crowd stuff (at the middle to high end, not as much at the begining, but it gets there pretty quick), there are hacks yes, but thats because it MODDABLE, and i mean COMPLETLY moddable, and this doesnt matter, because YOU CAN KICK PEOPLE FROM YOUR GAMES, unlike Diablo 1, and because of this, hacking is NOT a problem, ive been playing it for over a month and i only came accross a hack once, i simply left there game and found another one, no problem at all
dont listen to him, dungeon siege is good, and deffinatly betetr then D2, its a totaly different system, so its NOT a rip-off, ok so its hack and slashey like D2 is, but the system works completly differently, and the game is just better, if you want a deep involving storyline, dont get dungeon siege, if you want fast action gameplay, get it , its fun
EDIT: and daishi, it doesnt matter that they completed it already, D2 was completed in DAYS, but people still play'd it for the multiplayer, so think of that, then add in the fact that dungeon siege is also moddable (mods have already started and the modding kit is only in beta! (they havnt quite finished it yet, but it will all be complete soon ))
(edited by Makoto on 06-14-02 07:11 AM) |
Leiser Kind

Since: 04-22-02
Since last post: 8308 days Last activity: 8278 days
I could not get into Dungeon Seige at all. Quite frankly I did not like having to control more than 1 person at a time if my party was to be of any use. I also enjoyed having direct control of what stats I added to, such as in Diablo. Well you may still have "control", but if I want to up my INT I'd rather not have to cast 5 million spells. Dungeon Seige made being a hybrid class a little bit more difficult than I liked. Honestly it is do able, but I did not like switching between Magic (Choas/Nature) and Melee every 5 seconds to ensure that they were being kept near even.
-------------------- We are all cursed; cursed to die the day we were born. |

Since: 05-24-02 From: Mars 3rd Colony
Since last post: 8050 days Last activity: 8040 days
I wish I didn't get Dungeon Siege, it's a cool game and all. I just didn't have time to get in to it... lacks the mood... played 4 days, and a lvl 57 char.
and it's on the shleft ever since.

Since: 02-19-02 From: England
Since last post: 8087 days Last activity: 8075 days
so little to do, everythings going spiraling down, spiraling down, spiraling down, spiraling down *THUD*......
hmmm, maybe i'll get morrowind, no multiplayer, but friends say its very good all the same.....
...hmmm, sorry about that, it seems that even tho its fun not to have any work, you kinda run out of things to do, well, i can think of many cool things, but they require money, people (RL ones), and organization, things like quazare, very cool game , hmmmm, i think i'll organize that.... need money tho.... need job, ack, stupid job, dun like work , ah well.....
sorry, im rambling pointlessly at you all, i need to go and rest, find somthing to do.... hmmmmmm
circles. vicous, vicous circles.... |

Since: 05-02-02
Since last post: 8267 days Last activity: 8300 days
why not make a website...most everyone is either too lazy or to busy, or have already done that.
Find annother game to beta, Star Wars Galaxies comes to mind, but everyone is obbsessed with RO for better or worse for the moment.
Program, too much time to learn and too long to make anything interesting or extremely useful.
Hack roms, Less time than making your own game, and results are immideate hence why I took to it after quiting the game.
Join the military, I promice life will not be boring for a little while...for better or worse heh. |

Since: 02-19-02 From: England
Since last post: 8087 days Last activity: 8075 days
i just d/l'd the client for priston tale
good game, all in korean at the mo tho O.o, there realising the english client soon, so i'll switch to that when they do
and ive already signed up for SWG, they havnt reply'd yet tho
web sites an interesting idea, i might do that
ive already lernt programming, well, a bit, not all the absolute details, but enough to get me started
roms, hmmm, dunno
military! nooooooooooooooo! bad bad bad! i would make a usless military person... and i dont want to die  |

Since: 05-03-02 From: California Rating: 10 (400 pts)
Since last post: 7679 days Last activity: 7679 days
give me a .50 caliber bmg and i'll be glad to be a sniper for the SEALs ^_~ but yea, i got plenty of burned movies to watch... i got friends to kick it with ... gf to spend my time with. just watched insomnia last nite... not too bad
i'm taking a break from programming until school starts again
i better get back to unpacking and rearranging my new room. at least my computer is running and i got UT to go to
-------------------- Loki: DaiSHi 48/35 swordman, H.O.L.Y.Merchant OC, Robbin'Hood 37/27 Thief, HOLYFistsOfFury 28/20 puncholyte
13683 exp and counting...
Flower girls are the cutest... but not as cute as my Tina |

Since: 02-19-02 From: England
Since last post: 8087 days Last activity: 8075 days
i have friends too, but most of them live miles away, there all from University, so they come for alllll over the place
ive got a few that live nearer, but most have jobs 'n stuff, and ones engaged to my sister, heh, they both work, so i dont always see them, but somtimes i visit
and i dont have a gf , not fair
ive been trying to watch a film, but everytime i choose to get one out somthing gets in the way so i cant -.- |
Arc Roacheford

Since: 06-16-02 From: Sylvestra
Since last post: 8270 days Last activity: 8270 days
well you talk about the other game right? can you tell their website? or some good information about RO plz?(about Beta2)
Thank you
Arc Roacheford
-------------------- The end of the dark one will return peace to the world |

Since: 05-03-02 From: California Rating: 10 (400 pts)
Since last post: 7679 days Last activity: 7679 days
Originally posted by Arc Roacheford Greeting
well you talk about the other game right? can you tell their website? or some good information about RO plz?(about Beta2)
Thank you
Arc Roacheford
if u like, u can talk about the other games... maybe someone here who's played it can talk about it... i don't know if anyone here has played beta2, since it's closed korean...
and makoto, i guess i'll try dungeon seige later... especially if it's faster paced than d2... lol, i'm tempted to play d1 all over again... but i'll probably dupe from the beginning again... mmm... windforce...godly plate of sorcery... plentiful staff of apocalypse... rings of zodiac... i think imma go play d1 now until i get my cable tomorrow, lol. look what you started =Þ
-------------------- Loki: DaiSHi 48/35 swordman, H.O.L.Y.Merchant OC, Robbin'Hood 37/27 Thief, HOLYFistsOfFury 28/20 puncholyte
13983 exp and counting...
Flower girls are the cutest... but not as cute as my Tina |

Since: 06-18-02
Since last post: 8304 days Last activity: 8296 days
amra, where do u find all ur mmo rpgs man, ive been looking forever to find one better than RO, or graal and whatnot, and u have 2 right there... like... where do u find junk ???
-------------------- "when did i realize i was god?, one day i was praying, and i realized, i was talking to myself..." |

Since: 06-24-02 From: I'm not paranoid... Rating: 10 (400 pts)
Since last post: 7827 days Last activity: 7902 days
Dungeon siege isn't bad... it's just really easy to hack/mod/cheat. It also takes a while and is an ultimately D2 clone. It got boring after a while though and doesn't have enough support for internet play. |

Since: 02-19-02 From: England
Since last post: 8087 days Last activity: 8075 days
not enough support?! O.o
its got a whole mod community
they just havent finished the finishing touches to the full editor yet, heh
and hack/mod/cheating isnt a problem, its ment to be like that (so you can mod it easyily ) and you can kick people from games, so internet isnt ever a problem  |

Since: 06-27-02 From: Canada
Since last post: 8295 days Last activity: 8294 days
how long does it take for shining lore to accept you? i can't wait to play! |