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03-31-25 10:51 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - Here you go..... |
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Since: 06-06-02
From: California

Since last post: 8322 days
Last activity: 8322 days
Posted on 06-09-02 09:13 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
ive seen alot of posts asking for/about packet sniffers soo i figuired id throw in a good one i havent seen mentioned at all...( and cuse not that mnay were mentioned =X , freedom of choice is goood ) well its called...PacketSniffer..;p...but its fine, here you go

its from the nice folks over at ./twlc ( )



Since: 04-12-02
From: Qc, Can

Since last post: 7810 days
Last activity: 7804 days
Posted on 06-09-02 09:29 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Totally off topic, but you're playing Bass?

Since: 06-05-02
From: Palo Alto, California

Since last post: 7879 days
Last activity: 7879 days
Posted on 06-09-02 10:53 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Support for more protocols.

Arsenic: Elaborate on how this is "Totally off topic"? I don't get how get how referencing to a packet sniffer doesn't relate to discussing reverse engineering and programming.


Since: 04-12-02
From: Qc, Can

Since last post: 7810 days
Last activity: 7804 days
Posted on 06-09-02 08:01 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
I was refering to my own post

(edited by Arsenic on 06-09-02 03:01 PM)

Since: 06-06-02
From: California

Since last post: 8322 days
Last activity: 8322 days
Posted on 06-09-02 08:45 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
yes thats a bass, but i play both bass and guitar


Since: 06-05-02
From: Palo Alto, California

Since last post: 7879 days
Last activity: 7879 days
Posted on 06-09-02 10:39 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by Arsenic
I was refering to my own post

OH~ woops... -_- dang, dyslexia strikes again, my bad.


Since: 04-12-02
From: Qc, Can

Since last post: 7810 days
Last activity: 7804 days
Posted on 06-10-02 03:31 AMQuote | Edit | Delete

Ah neat, so am I. Mainly guitar though.

It's just not so common to see girls playing bass

Since: 06-06-02
From: California

Since last post: 8322 days
Last activity: 8322 days
Posted on 06-10-02 05:23 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Mister Arsenic Man:

What kind of guitar you got ? ( 6 string )

what kind of music do you playyy most?

and the all important question...pick or no pick?


Since: 04-12-02
From: Qc, Can

Since last post: 7810 days
Last activity: 7804 days
Posted on 06-14-02 10:16 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
I've got a Fender Stratocaster Squier, the Squier model is the cheap one - Well cheap, it still costs 550$

6 strings.

I play all kind of stuffs, but when I'm with friends we most of time play some punk rock d;-)

But my compositions are all different style, soft and acoustic stuffs.

I often play no pick, but when I want to do some hard sounds and palm muting, I use one

What about you?

(edited by Arsenic on 06-14-02 05:16 AM)

Since: 05-10-02
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

Since last post: 7745 days
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Posted on 06-15-02 04:48 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
That's dyslexia? Well, now I know what to call my constant confusion over wording, although I thought it was mistaking 'p's for 'b's and 'd's...

Wish I had a sig pic....
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