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03-31-25 10:46 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - Just a few dumb question |
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Since: 05-19-02
From: Singapore

Since last post: 8228 days
Last activity: 8296 days
Posted on 06-08-02 05:36 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
1. What is DirectX used for and how does it help in programming ?
2. What is Div Codec (or whatever it is called) ?
3. How many types of OS can C++ support ?

I'm sigless

Since: 05-05-02

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Posted on 06-08-02 05:57 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
1. DirectX is a standard coding interface for programmers so they don't have to run around looking for hardware-specific stuff. DirectX gives you control of the hardware with standardized function calls and the like and doesn't make you have to write hardware-specific code. A lot of people dislike DirectX because it's based on Microsoft's old COM standard, which by all tokens absolutely blows for any sort of standard.

2. The DivX codec is a method of data compression. In order to make certain file types useable (video in raw format takes up ungodly amounts of space), people use file compression. DivX is a very good method of reusing old frame data in video to only store the essential stuff.

3. C++ works on any operating system it has a compiler for. This includes stuff you normally wouldn't consider, like internal car computers and electronics. Compilers translate source code into assembly code. An assembler than translates said code into a string of 0's and 1's that a machine can understand.

Hope it helps.


Since: 05-19-02
From: Singapore

Since last post: 8228 days
Last activity: 8296 days
Posted on 06-10-02 02:11 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Thanks alot for the reply

I'm sigless

Since: 04-26-02
From: USA, NJ

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Posted on 06-11-02 05:07 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by whitequeen
1. DirectX is a standard coding interface for programmers so they don't have to run around looking for hardware-specific stuff. DirectX gives you control of the hardware with standardized function calls and the like and doesn't make you have to write hardware-specific code. A lot of people dislike DirectX because it's based on Microsoft's old COM standard, which by all tokens absolutely blows for any sort of standard.

2. The DivX codec is a method of data compression. In order to make certain file types useable (video in raw format takes up ungodly amounts of space), people use file compression. DivX is a very good method of reusing old frame data in video to only store the essential stuff.

3. C++ works on any operating system it has a compiler for. This includes stuff you normally wouldn't consider, like internal car computers and electronics. Compilers translate source code into assembly code. An assembler than translates said code into a string of 0's and 1's that a machine can understand.

Hope it helps.


Couldn't have said it better myself. I'd like to add though, that DirectX is very commonly used for game developement, because of the fact that it is based on COM. It is very simple to impliment, and definately the fastest for windows (since Dx5.0 I believe it's been the fastest). As far as COM, I personally have always liked the idea...I'm actually looking forward to COM++...Just my 2 sense though .


Since: 05-10-02
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

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Posted on 06-12-02 10:19 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Wow, I just use DirectX...thanks for explaining it!

Wish I had a sig pic....
Arc Roacheford

Since: 06-16-02
From: Sylvestra

Since last post: 8288 days
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Posted on 06-17-02 08:54 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
ah this will help someone who don't know about this....

Arc Roacheford

The end of the dark one will return peace to the world

Since: 05-19-02
From: Singapore

Since last post: 8228 days
Last activity: 8296 days
Posted on 06-18-02 02:18 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Phew, I just completed 3 Sessions from the C++ book which I bought
Too bad I don't have Visual C++ (Gonna get from friend) or any other compiler, otherwise I could try out a small pathetic program I just written

I'm sigless
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - Just a few dumb question |
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