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03-31-25 10:51 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - Anyone know of a good TCP/IP library for c++? |
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Since: 05-03-02
From: Vancouver
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

Since last post: 8161 days
Last activity: 8091 days
Posted on 06-03-02 12:40 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
I think I tried some internet stuffs a while back when I used to work on Visual Basic. These days I do practically everything in C/C++, so does anyone know of a good free library that I could use to get an application to talk over the internet?

You know, something with simple commands like
ListenToPort(&callbackfunction, 6667)
ConnectToServer(IPaddress, 6667, &callbackonsuccess)
sendData(char* data)
OnDataRecieve(char* data)

I'm sure there's one out there that could be as simple as this, it's just I'm not sure where a good one is. Any suggestions?

Ps. A library that would also support connections over a lan, UDP, IPX, TCP/IP Lan, etc... would be great

Since: 04-26-02
From: USA, NJ

Since last post: 8168 days
Last activity: 8182 days
Posted on 06-03-02 03:05 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
There's an activeX control library out there called may want to look into it. It's simple as can be...I personally don't like it, but it looks like it will suit your needs fairly well.


Since: 04-28-02
From: Portugal

Since last post: 8318 days
Last activity: 8306 days
Posted on 06-03-02 04:44 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
I think winsock.h has some internet functions to use with visual C++.

And once again our friend, and semi-hero posts again....

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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - Anyone know of a good TCP/IP library for c++? |
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