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03-31-25 11:33 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Exp Viewer Discussion - Argh new patch |
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Since: 04-30-02
From: @Home

Since last post: 8197 days
Last activity: 8152 days
Posted on 05-31-02 07:05 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
is not supporting your EXP Viewer. I wonder why they keep on doing that. Your EXP Viewer is the only program that is keeping me continuing to play this game and Gravity took it from me


Since: 05-03-02
From: Illinois, USA

Since last post: 8253 days
Last activity: 8244 days
Posted on 05-31-02 08:02 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Is it because when they have a new rgz file patched?


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

Since last post: 7697 days
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Posted on 05-31-02 08:35 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
well...they probably just changed something in the ragexe.exe to the effect that the viewer just needs a little bit a tweaking to get working again. just give sasami some time...

Loki: DaiSHi, H.O.L.Y.Merchant, Robbin'Hood
47/34 swordman, OC merc, 37/27 Thief

Since: 04-09-02
From: Somewhere

Since last post: 8079 days
Last activity: 7831 days
Posted on 05-31-02 09:41 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Everytime they release a new exe, Sasami's program shatters like a big ball of glass

Ecthelion de la Fontaine

Since: 04-25-02
From: Gondolin

Since last post: 8333 days
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Posted on 05-31-02 09:59 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Stop exaggerating It isn't every time, only a couple...

Since: 04-09-02
From: Somewhere

Since last post: 8079 days
Last activity: 7831 days
Posted on 05-31-02 10:54 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
I once caught a fish, and it was THIS big!


How's THAT for exaggeration? XD


Since: 05-17-02

Since last post: 8337 days
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Posted on 05-31-02 12:25 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
the viewer works for me just fine on the new patch....

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

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Posted on 05-31-02 03:23 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Everything works fine on the newest patch, i wasn't here last night to test on the one before it, so it doesn't count

[edit] oh yeah, g2g now >.< bye everyone!

(edited by Sasami on 05-31-02 10:24 AM)

Since: 04-30-02
From: @Home

Since last post: 8197 days
Last activity: 8152 days
Posted on 05-31-02 04:53 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
it works fine for all of you? Oh must be just me then

Hey Sasami, I thought u took off your ICQ #. It's still showing in this Forum.


(edited by LoNeSoMeTiGaR on 05-31-02 11:54 AM)


Since: 05-03-02
From: California
Rating: 10 (400 pts)

Since last post: 7697 days
Last activity: 7697 days
Posted on 05-31-02 06:41 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by LoNeSoMeTiGaR
it works fine for all of you? Oh must be just me then

Hey Sasami, I thought u took off your ICQ #. It's still showing in this Forum.

i know the question's not directed to me, but she knows it's still there. but she'll won't accept any invitations without prior knowledge. so you'll have to pm or something beforehand...

Loki: DaiSHi, H.O.L.Y.Merchant, Robbin'Hood
47/34 swordman, OC merc, 37/27 Thief

Since: 05-03-02
From: Illinois, USA

Since last post: 8253 days
Last activity: 8244 days
Posted on 05-31-02 10:15 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
I think he meant it didnt' work with 114 but now it works with 115.

Since: 04-30-02
From: @Home

Since last post: 8197 days
Last activity: 8152 days
Posted on 05-31-02 10:38 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
umm no. it's not working for the new patch (the latest one. the one that was updated yesterday)

Oh nm it works now. Don't know how though but I can live with that


(edited by LoNeSoMeTiGaR on 06-01-02 01:07 AM)
Mental Atrophy

Since: 05-14-02
From: Home

Since last post: 8334 days
Last activity: 8284 days
Posted on 06-01-02 05:35 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
yeah, patch 114 broke it, and 115 quickly followed and apparently fixed the problem. Is it possible that Gravity actually made a patch aimed at making the exp viewer work.......
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Exp Viewer Discussion - Argh new patch |
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