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03-31-25 11:13 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - sprite swapping? |
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Since: 05-17-02

Since last post: 8271 days
Last activity: 7955 days
Posted on 06-04-02 07:42 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
wow that sounds cool (I know several people that would love playing that), hehe squished little dragons ^^

Well I don't think it's a problem specific to alpha sprites because I think I may have extracted some of them already... It's just I can't extract things like emotions, what I believe to be the sprite for the Balmung (held in various class's hands in attack forms) (or if it's not the balmung, then something else at the end of every class)... and also various other things. Also several sprite files come up as having zero sprites in them. I don't know if this is the way it's supposed to be or if this is just a problem with the decoder.


Since: 02-29-04
From: Prontera

Since last post: 7701 days
Last activity: 7698 days
Posted on 02-29-04 12:18 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Yes you can.... Just use a sprite viewer and view your sprite that you want to be replaced.... Then copy the name to the new sprite.....

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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - sprite swapping? |
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