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03-31-25 11:15 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - sprite swapping? |
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Since: 05-30-02

Since last post: 8341 days
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Posted on 05-30-02 02:56 AMQuote | Edit | Delete

i would like to know if its possible to swap sprites(for headgear or monsters)

if it is could someone please explain me how to do it?

thx much

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

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Posted on 05-30-02 03:28 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
yes, but it would require you to decomile the sprite files then recompile them i havnt gotten around to writing my grf frontend yet, nor do i know if i wish to waste my time doing it.

Since: 04-09-02
From: Somewhere

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Posted on 05-30-02 11:01 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
If you mean change a Poring into Baphomet, just rename the sprite you want to show to the name of the sprite you want to change. For example:

I want to turn Skeleton Soldiers into Doppelgangers because I want Doppel to do damage comparable to what he did to me in Alpha. So I would take the doppelganger.spr and doppelganger.act files and I'd rename them to skel_soldier.spr and skel_soldier.act respectively. I would then stick these files in my C:\RO\data\sprite\¸ó½ºÅÍ\ directory. The result:

Ain't he pretty? :3

Oh, and look who else joined the party in the Pyramids:

Oh yes...Alpha Baph is back, baby! XD


Since: 05-03-02

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Posted on 05-30-02 01:01 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
hehe, i uploaded a little ossi/mandra/werewolf mod and gave the address to a friens who merried (in ro).
Well, she downloaded it, went to pyra 4 and then she ran thru pyra screaming Ossi, ossi (and all the ppl though she was going insane....). the next 2 weeks, she was never seen in pyra....

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

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Posted on 05-30-02 05:01 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
ack, i thought he ment making them/get them from other places besides ragnarok.

That's not alpha baphomet, alpha baphomet looked MENACING. Beta baphomet looks like a pushover.

Since: 04-09-02
From: Somewhere

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Posted on 05-30-02 08:31 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Oh, that's Alpha Baph...look at his shadow in relation to his actual size


Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

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Posted on 05-30-02 10:24 PMQuote | Edit | Delete

alpha baphomet was pixilated.

(edited by Sasami on 05-30-02 05:25 PM)

Since: 04-09-02
From: Somewhere

Since last post: 8079 days
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Posted on 05-30-02 10:39 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Remember that there's a zoom function in RO now though.

Here's the original screenie:

It's also possible to BE a monster, or even something like the cart...the only problem is that when you're attacking or being attacked, the game will immediately crash =P


Since: 04-28-02
From: Portugal

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Posted on 05-31-02 12:16 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by Quanta
It's also possible to BE a monster, or even something like the cart...the only problem is that when you're attacking or being attacked, the game will immediately crash =P

I guess the game is looking for a certain animation and doesnt find it, so it crashes.
If there was a way to recompile the spr and act files maybe we could add the necessary animations.
but...that sounds like alot of work. (me lazy)

And once again our friend, and semi-hero posts again....


Since: 04-09-02
From: Somewhere

Since last post: 8079 days
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Posted on 05-31-02 12:28 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Possibly...though it doesn't make sense that I can still sit and have it work. =P


Since: 05-17-02

Since last post: 8271 days
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Posted on 05-31-02 05:27 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
yay full sprite conversions... Has anyone looked into recoloring (or redrawing) the existing sprites and then recompiling them?

Is there an easy way to extract and recompile sprites? I'd love to give it a go...

Since: 04-09-02
From: Somewhere

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Posted on 05-31-02 09:30 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Maybe if you e-mail Gravity and ask really nicely they'll give you the program they use.

Seriously though, that's an idea I'm considering asking Gravity...a customs community could form in RO, which would be uber-cool. ^:^


Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

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Posted on 05-31-02 02:59 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
I have been told they are thinking about redoing the compression algorithms on the grf files so people can't extract and play with them anymore... so I don't think they want us playing inside of them, but I am not quite sure. I think the grf editor will be my next project.

Since: 05-17-02

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Posted on 05-31-02 03:58 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
well any compression scheme is usually just a matter of time until it's figured out. (does anyone remember .WAD files from Wolfenstein, Doom, Duke Nukem, and similiar things from several other games? I think .PUDs from Warcraft) Anyway, they should prolly just compile the really important bits into the .exe... Anything else won't really affect gameplay.

Since: 04-09-02
From: Somewhere

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Posted on 06-01-02 06:05 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Well a lot of those games have sorta given a "thumbs up" to modification, especially iD Software and their'd be great if we could swap sprites and stuff since it'd mean a customs community could form in RO...what other MMORPGs can do that? (Note: I know very little of other MMORPGs


Since: 04-28-02
From: Portugal

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Posted on 06-02-02 01:18 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
the more customization ( I think I spelled that wrong -__-) options a game has, the more will it last, because it keeps people interested in new mods and stuff.
makes the game fresh.

And once again our friend, and semi-hero posts again....


Since: 05-03-02
From: Illinois, USA

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Posted on 06-02-02 01:41 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
You spelled customization right.

Since: 05-17-02

Since last post: 8271 days
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Posted on 06-04-02 07:11 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
grrr stupid sprite wizard.... won't decode some of the sprites (error)... Oh well I can always screen cap what I need, it's just more annoying. Much more annoying. I hate hand editing out backgrounds that I didn't want -.-

On the up side, it worked for most of them and fun art stuff is progressing... I wonder if Gravity will give me permission to use their sprites for a different medium.... That'd be an interesting project ^.^

Since: 04-09-02
From: Somewhere

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Posted on 06-04-02 09:09 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
The thing about SprWiz is that it only works with Beta sprites and not Alpha sprites, so if it just says "Error" then it's probably a sprite from Alpha or something. =P


Since: 04-28-02
From: Portugal

Since last post: 8318 days
Last activity: 8306 days
Posted on 06-04-02 11:39 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by Sironin

On the up side, it worked for most of them and fun art stuff is progressing... I wonder if Gravity will give me permission to use their sprites for a different medium.... That'd be an interesting project ^.^

I doubt gravity is very open to people messing with their sprites.
still, I would like to work on some of them and maybe make a FFT mod or something, but that will depend on the tools provided by gravity.

I look like I'm not thinking about anything, and it's the truth...

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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - sprite swapping? |
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