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02-16-25 03:02 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - Selling Url on RO |
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Since: 05-25-02
From: WA

Since last post: 8302 days
Last activity: 8302 days
Posted on 05-25-02 12:27 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Sasami, do you mind if i sell your Url for zeny on RO in places where people are stuck (Save Point Warper)?

(edit) I just noticed that if i refresh the website, it gives me another view.

and just a teenie bit to the left....

(edited by Kinguy on 05-24-02 07:30 PM)

(edited by Kinguy on 05-25-02 12:03 PM)

Since: 05-10-02
From: edmonds wa

Since last post: 8191 days
Last activity: 8188 days
Posted on 05-25-02 02:21 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
are another idiots that inhabits ro? i doubt she would allow to sell the webiste..tell people about it for free yes..that scrolling text in anyoning.

Since: 05-25-02
From: England, UK

Since last post: 8303 days
Last activity: 8299 days
Posted on 05-25-02 02:32 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
hi im new here

I was telling the website address to people who were stuck on the boat in alberta for nothing. Really went out of my way to help people. And i even got rewarded with a lance and a poring doll

Tis sad how the community spirit has degraded now.
Which is why i registered here! to maybe be integrated in with this small bunch of morally correct denizens
im sick of the hackers/ scammers and general attitude of most people on RO.

hi everyone btw

Since: 05-08-02
From: Michigan

Since last post: 8275 days
Last activity: 8275 days
Posted on 05-25-02 02:48 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Yeah, the scrolling text is annoying.....and no, selling the website address is a bit much, just give it to people that need help.

And yup, sure seems like most of the people here are the type to say something like "screw you buddy" to lamers and the like. Heh, you'd probably enjoy the Prontera Parish forums too, it's kinda empty right now but we'll be moving there from soon.

Heh, I hope Sasami doesn't mind the shameless little plug there.

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

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Posted on 05-25-02 04:16 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
I don't mind the plug, but I do mind people trying to make money off my work... even if it is virtual money, I think that is wrong.
On another note, I am working on an improved version of the warp to save, don't know when it will be done.

Since: 04-28-02
From: Portugal

Since last post: 8275 days
Last activity: 8263 days
Posted on 05-25-02 11:26 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Originally posted by Kinguy
Sasami, do you mind if i sell your Url for zeny on RO in places where people are stuck (Save Point Warper)?

basicaly you just want to make money from other people's misery and now you're
trying to please your conscience by asking if it's ok to sell the site address.
bah! look, just play with fairness and good sense.
if you help people I think you'll enjoy ro much more, it's better than making more enemies, and who knows, maybe you'll get a reward from time to time.

And once again our friend, and semi-hero posts again....


Since: 05-03-02
From: Illinois, USA

Since last post: 8210 days
Last activity: 8201 days
Posted on 05-25-02 04:16 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Helping newbies might be a pain but stll it's fun to help. I do that time to time and I can shape them to be better people instead of using bots. I give them a strong weapon so they would never get killed by Porings thus giving up or tend to use bots. Then I tell them not to KS and steal people's loot so they won't get hated for that also.

Since: 05-25-02
From: WA

Since last post: 8302 days
Last activity: 8302 days
Posted on 05-25-02 05:01 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Thanks for your feedback, ill stop selling it.

and just a teenie bit to the left....

(edited by Kinguy on 05-25-02 12:03 PM)

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

Since last post: 7654 days
Last activity: 7654 days
Posted on 05-25-02 05:04 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - General Discussion - Selling Url on RO |
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