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Since: 05-17-02
Since last post: 8334 days Last activity: 8326 days
is the equip hack client side or server side because i can just use an older version of rag and still do the equip anywhere hack? and i think u can do the super speed attack too rite by doing that?
Ecthelion de la Fontaine

Since: 04-25-02 From: Gondolin
Since last post: 8333 days Last activity: 8209 days
It was fixed on both sides. Don't bother with it.
If you need to attack quickly why not either make an acolyte, a thief, or just up your agility?  |
Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02 From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked! Rating: 10 (1030 pts)
Since last post: 7697 days Last activity: 7697 days
or use the other weapon speed hack *whistles* |
Ecthelion de la Fontaine

Since: 04-25-02 From: Gondolin
Since last post: 8333 days Last activity: 8209 days
tsk tsk |
Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02 From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked! Rating: 10 (1030 pts)
Since last post: 7697 days Last activity: 7697 days
what, i don't use it, I just found out about it  |

Since: 05-17-02
Since last post: 8334 days Last activity: 8326 days
there goes the first speed hack i had, o well i'm perfecting my dupe hack(trying to take atvantage before they patch it) rite now to busy to find other speed hack.
saddly it has about 5% succes rate @_@ takes a lot of tryes i wonder if sasami could help me increase the success rate but i don't want to give it away in post.
(edited by Fig on 05-22-02 04:55 PM) |
Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02 From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked! Rating: 10 (1030 pts)
Since last post: 7697 days Last activity: 7697 days
I don't support malicious hacking, cheating, or anything of that sort, I think it is incredibly retarded and only lowly souls who have too low a self esteem need to cheat in order to boost their image so they can feel good about themselves. The other speed hack works 100%, it's not hard. |

Since: 05-17-02 From: Canada
Since last post: 8343 days Last activity: 8343 days
ummmmmm. i thot the speed hacks were patched alreaDy............... |

Since: 04-26-02 From: USA, NJ
Since last post: 8168 days Last activity: 8182 days
the "speed hack" that they patched was in actuality the equip anywhere hack...when you equiped say a hat in your hand you attacked extreamly fast...The other speed hack is done completely differently...
Rob |

Since: 05-17-02 From: Canada
Since last post: 8343 days Last activity: 8343 days
When the loop hole is fixed the illegally euquiped items would also be gone
-------------------- Sorry man...... No signature.......... |

Since: 02-29-04 From: Prontera
Since last post: 7701 days Last activity: 7698 days
It depends on what server your running... you just edit the equip_db.txt(darkweissserver)
you can download darkweiss here and other hacking stuff::::::
"Death is yet another beginning of life.... so dont stop me from killing my self... i wont die... i cannot be stopped... i cannot be defeated..."
(edited by DaiSHi on 03-01-04 09:22 PM) |