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03-31-25 11:27 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Exp Viewer Discussion - EXP viewer issues |
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Since: 05-19-02
From: USA

Since last post: 8351 days
Last activity: 8350 days
Posted on 05-19-02 09:48 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
I had to copy ragexe.exe before I did it for the second time I did it (last time I had to find a new ragexe afterwords or I wouldn't have been able to play RO for a while -.- but it did the same thing....when I patched ragexe.exe and entered RO (in windowed and full) in windowed, it just gives me a "Ragexe.exe Has performed an illegal opperation and will be shut down" error....-.-; and in full screen....when I get to the point of getting just bleeps and is not in Ragnarok it just me or are other people having this issue....Sasami-san....tasukete Onegai ; .;

Kuroen-chan ^^;

~Kuroen~ Swordlady 20/14
~Nekoruru~ Thief 20/14
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Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

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Posted on 05-20-02 12:55 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
make sure to only apply 1.2 to patch 109 or greater, patches below need 108...

Since: 05-19-02
From: USA

Since last post: 8351 days
Last activity: 8350 days
Posted on 05-20-02 04:50 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
ahhh sou na ^^; thank ye Sasami ^^

~Kuroen~ Swordlady 20/14
~Nekoruru~ Thief 20/14
~Firaen~ Merchant 17/12
~Hokuto Sumeragi~ Archer 12/7
~Haname~ Magician 9/2
~Watari~ Acolyte 9/2
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Exp Viewer Discussion - EXP viewer issues |
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