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Since: 05-03-02 From: Illinois, USA
Since last post: 8253 days Last activity: 8244 days
I heard something similar to this before about the lud msuci next to your room. He tried to tell the other side to lower their music but it doesn't help. Tey kept partying with the loud music. But he never reported them though.He was going to get revenge by playing children's music or classical music aloud at night. :p |

Since: 04-26-02 From: USA, NJ
Since last post: 8168 days Last activity: 8182 days
Just so you're all not wondering, I decided not to release this publicly. I will however be willing to trade it in exchange for a decent tutorial on reverse engineering with Assembly. I havn't been able to find a straight forward one yet. If I could find one, I would be more than willing to make the next EXP viewer, etc. |
Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02 From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked! Rating: 10 (1030 pts)
Since last post: 7697 days Last activity: 7697 days
So my tutorial wasn't helpful?  |

Since: 04-26-02 From: USA, NJ
Since last post: 8168 days Last activity: 8182 days
Well, to tell you the truth Sasami, to an absolute beginner to Assembly it was down right confusing...well, at least for me. I can replicate your code, sure...not that I have any idea what it does though, lol...see what I'm saying? I actually may have found one, it's a couple hundred pages long though, so I'll let you know when I finish reading it.  |
Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02 From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked! Rating: 10 (1030 pts)
Since last post: 7697 days Last activity: 7697 days
ah well, i typically can teach a person a lot better one on one bleh, dont have much time any more to do any of that though :-\ |

Since: 04-26-02 From: USA, NJ
Since last post: 8168 days Last activity: 8182 days
wow, so far so good...I had no idea I could use assembly inline with C/C++...ok, back to reading..... |

Since: 05-03-02 From: California Rating: 10 (400 pts)
Since last post: 7697 days Last activity: 7697 days
ugh, i'm still learning java but yea, i was pretty negligent last year at college. i'd play games and not go to class... my grades suffered, but at least i didn't get on probation like most of my friends, hehe. my dorm was quieter and didn't party as much. are you dorming Sasami? it's a great experience, but you'll be more occupied/distracted. good luck with college. morning classes are evil 
-------------------- Loki: DaiSHi 47/37 future knight, H.O.L.Y.Merchant OC
25563 exp and counting...
Flower girls are the cutest... but not as cute as my Tina
current anime: cowboy bebop
next anime : hack.sign
past anime : fushigi yuugi |
Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02 From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked! Rating: 10 (1030 pts)
Since last post: 7697 days Last activity: 7697 days
Yeah, it's coed... by floors... so I dunno how its gonna turn out I opted to not stay in a girls dorm, would be boring  |

Since: 05-03-02 From: California Rating: 10 (400 pts)
Since last post: 7697 days Last activity: 7697 days
yea, i think coed's better... more interesting that way. i was in the only boys room on the girls side ^^. but i'm sure you'll love dorming, unless you get a messed up roommate like me. ><
-------------------- Loki: DaiSHi 47/37 future knight, H.O.L.Y.Merchant OC
25774 exp and counting...
Flower girls are the cutest... but not as cute as my Tina
current anime: cowboy bebop
next anime : hack.sign
past anime : fushigi yuugi |

Since: 06-04-02 From: Washington
Since last post: 8238 days Last activity: 8238 days
Assembly is good... if it's commented well. I had some Pocketstation coding stuff which would have been real cool, unfortunetly the only example that would work on the pocketstation was written in Assembly(C++ could be used) and was commented in Japanese. =( |
Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02 From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked! Rating: 10 (1030 pts)
Since last post: 7697 days Last activity: 7697 days
O.o when you reverse engineer programs there is no comments, thats the whole point behind learning to read code without comments  |

Since: 06-04-02 From: Washington
Since last post: 8238 days Last activity: 8238 days
It may not have been as bad if their were no comments at all, just having them there makes we want to read em. =)
I also wasn't to familiar with the file structure at the time... now that RO's down I may be able to figure it out. |
Mahou Seitou

Since: 08-02-02 From: Singapore
Since last post: 7957 days Last activity: 7957 days
*Grovels to all the programming deities*
At least now I know what I'll have to do if I wanna turn kids into brilliant programmers, if they fit the technical mode. (you really absolutely have to start young don't you...)
For people like me, I leave myself on the mercy of the progamming deities...
(total programming experience would be 4 years, if you count actual time... let's see that... 54 weeks , 3 day week, 4 hours.. that's 27 times 24 hours which means.. 27 days) and maybe less than 1/2 of that is actual programming
Man.. I really took the wrong course...
so Sasami, make sure you get the correct course!
(this is more important than staying focused in the dorm, but then again, dorms in Singapore ain't wild, if anyone makes too much noise, the security comes and check on their own without having to be called) |