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03-31-25 10:54 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - shell scripting is sooo cool! |
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Since: 04-28-02
From: Portugal

Since last post: 8318 days
Last activity: 8306 days
Posted on 05-09-02 09:59 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
yeah! I like it, i´m having lots of fun it with, it seems capable of doing near everything!!!


agh, sorry, just felt like saying this. -__-;

(goes to drink some coffee.....)

Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

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Posted on 05-09-02 11:05 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
shell scripting in what?

[edit] assuming you mean linux...

(edited by Sasami on 05-09-02 06:05 PM)

Since: 04-28-02
From: Portugal

Since last post: 8318 days
Last activity: 8306 days
Posted on 05-10-02 07:09 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
yes, i've started learning it for this semester, I have to make a project for my Operating Systems class but I never thought it could be so much fun to work with it.


Since: 02-19-02
From: England

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Posted on 05-10-02 11:17 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
i lernt that at the begining of this year.... i didnt see it as all that, but then again i dont like linux and i dont use my comp for much other then playing games and surfing the net
and i am now gonna start programming more and possibly modding too, but shell scripting still wont be any use to me, heh ...
and i dont like linux anyway

Since: 04-12-02
From: Qc, Can

Since last post: 7810 days
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Posted on 05-11-02 12:51 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Yeah shell scripting is fun, but I wouldn't say you can do everything with it

For what OS are you scripting? *nix, Linux, VMS ?

We first made scripts for Unix Bourne Shell on a Sun's solaris 5.7 system and later on the semester we made scripts for OpenVMS on a Alpha computer in my OS class last year.

Was cool yeah, but working on VMS is boring

Oh also, coding with VI is a pain

Since: 04-28-02
From: Portugal

Since last post: 8318 days
Last activity: 8306 days
Posted on 05-11-02 12:49 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
yeah, i´m coding for linux, we use vi because it's present on most linux distributions, we learned most commands for the Bourne Shell but we are free to use the others (C shell, korn, etc...)
Vi can be irritating sometimes.

btw, how dificult is assembly for someone with C++ knowledge?

Since: 04-26-02
From: USA, NJ

Since last post: 8168 days
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Posted on 05-11-02 04:16 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Assembly is difficult for anyone, Period...I'm still trying to figure it out...


Goddess in Training

Since: 02-18-02
From: Back in texas! YAY! college sucked!
Rating: 10 (1030 pts)

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Posted on 05-11-02 04:22 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
I don't find it that bad just monotonous.
Mental Atrophy

Since: 05-14-02
From: Home

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Posted on 05-18-02 05:45 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
assembly isn't very difficult i dont think.... it's all the SIMPLEST commands there are! hehe... of course, making something useful using nothing but simple commands is kinda hard. I learned Z80 assembly prior to C++, and MIPS isnt very hard either, but x86 is quite a bit more difficult that those two.

Since: 05-02-02

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Posted on 05-18-02 04:48 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Z80 still give me nightmares from the days I called the TI-83+ the computer I "borrowed" for a semester. Don't talk about Motorrolla 68k, I'm just happy they made a C compiler for that little machine. Now, soon I'll have to go back to more than just looking at asm code, decompilers for SNES and NES games brings nightmares w/ asm.

[edit]BTW, who's the poor fools that say they don't like linux, what you mean you don't like it, that can do anything (except play some games, and some other programs that free substitutes exist for) you just have to do a bit more work, or web browsing to find it. Hell, it's one reason why I don't bother looking into VB and DirectX libraries, other being I'm not that far along to know too much about directx, and I want my stuff to be cross-platform and VB dosn't do that...last I checked.

(edited by Kyokushin-ka on 05-18-02 11:57 AM)
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - shell scripting is sooo cool! |
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