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03-13-25 07:39 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Other External Programs Discussion - I think somebudy have made a bot chrasher |
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Tillumni Sephirotica

Since: 03-25-02

Since last post: 8034 days
Last activity: 8034 days
Posted on 05-09-02 02:00 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
well the poster of this thread:;act=ST;f=1;t=382 says that he had meet some body who have created a bot chrasher, just thought that might interest some people.

Elmikie, Spell artist, Path of Pearl, Stratika, keeper of guild lore and current leader of the Vezrejai mage guild.

Since: 05-08-02
From: Michigan

Since last post: 8300 days
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Posted on 05-09-02 02:19 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Yeah, there's a few bot crashers out, I know someone that uses one regularly. Not going to go into detail about it though since he asked me not to and doesn't want to get in trouble with Gravity, but I can say it's lots of fun watching bots everywhere on the screen all go *poof* at once.
Tillumni Sephirotica

Since: 03-25-02

Since last post: 8034 days
Last activity: 8034 days
Posted on 05-09-02 02:24 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
so what's the record for bots being desintegrated in one shot?

Elmikie, Spell artist, Path of Pearl, Stratika, keeper of guild lore and current leader of the Vezrejai mage guild.

Since: 05-08-02
From: Michigan

Since last post: 8300 days
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Posted on 05-09-02 01:56 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Don't know exactly, but I do know it was a hell of alot. We were at the spawn point in Izlude and he zapped all the bots that had died and respawned there all at once.....there were so many of them stacked ontop of eachother that it froze my screen for a good 3 or 4 seconds from all the "logout" sparkle graphics going off at once. Of course, they all auto reconnected right away, so it was kinda pointless even though it was fun to do.

On another note, today I saw the same big old pileup of bots there so I set off a bunch of portals and warped them all to the top floor of Geffen Tower. They didn't come back.

Since: 05-02-02

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Posted on 05-09-02 06:06 PMQuote | Edit | Delete

Since: 04-28-02
From: Portugal

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Posted on 05-09-02 10:25 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
that's nice, very nice -------> evil smile

Since: 05-11-02
From: Finland

Since last post: 8313 days
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Posted on 05-11-02 07:50 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
Hehe sending bots to the top floor of Geffen Tower must be extremely satisfying

-Targonne the warrior

Since: 05-13-02
From: Another Dimention

Since last post: 8340 days
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Posted on 05-13-02 05:19 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
thats the talien we all know and avoid the portals of XD

*wonders if the sennyo signature from MGnet is ok to put here ^^;*
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Other External Programs Discussion - I think somebudy have made a bot chrasher |
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