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03-31-25 11:13 PM
Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - Way to remove the language filter |
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Since: 05-02-02

Since last post: 8285 days
Last activity: 8319 days
Posted on 05-27-02 11:41 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
I can't say ‚΂©‚à‚Ì?I or ‚­‚»Bi0tch?Ior ‚Ô‚·?I

E'en though they are all japaneese insults (which I only translate, never say[I don't know the "art" of Japaneese cursing]) I can't type in japaneese anyway.
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Sasami's Ragnarok World Forums (LOCKED) - Programming/reverse engineering discussion - Way to remove the language filter |
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