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12-03-24 05:41 PM
Profile for ParA
Username ParA
User picture
Total posts 112 (108 found, 0.01 per day in average)

Threads posted 12
EXP status Level: 27
EXP: 107520 (for next level: 8639)
Gain: 1440 EXP per post, 13224.502 seconds to gain 1 EXP when idle
User rating None
Current Theme Sasami's Ragnarok World
Registered on 05-25-02 03:35 AM (8228 days ago)
Last post 08-20-03 04:53 PM, in Gone ~~
Last activity 12-08-02 01:47 AM
Real name
Location Canada
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Timezone offset 0 hours from the server, 0 hours from you (current time: 12-03-24 05:41 PM)
User bio i use msn....... plz msg me if you have ne questions =)
Birthday Thursday, March 28, 1985 (39 years old)
Sample post (sample text)

As for me, I came back to ensure there would be a future. To teach the world that it no longer needed guardians. The hope for future generations has always resided in mortal hands. And now that my task is done, I'll take my place amongst the legends of the past...

-ParA, Shamistic Dragon
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