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12-26-24 10:10 AM
Kakariko Tavern - General Discussion - RO section gone |
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Since: 03-25-02

Since last post: 8300 days
Last activity: 8310 days
Posted on 04-06-02 03:38 AMQuote | Edit | Delete
Is it gone or just gone goofy again?

Another random question, did you actually program the forum yourelf? That's so cool!


Since: 02-18-02

Since last post: 8219 days
Last activity: 8295 days
Posted on 04-08-02 08:00 PMQuote | Edit | Delete
check I just moved to a new server and have been at work fixing everything up now to get rid of these mysql errors...

oh, these forums were programmed by a friend of mine, ACMLM.
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Kakariko Tavern - General Discussion - RO section gone |
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