Updates > More updates to DWCF and DSQL |
More updates to DWCF and DSQL
- DSQL v2.0.2.2
- Added ability via DSQL->$StrictMode variable to update MySQL strict mode
- Added DSQL->RawQuery() function which takes just a query, and does no modification on it. I found this required due to extremely slow times on building very large queries.
- Added DSQL->EscapeString() function which escapes a string for use in a mysql query. It has an optional parameter that adds single quotes around the result.
- Added DSQL::PrepareInsertList() function which takes an array of names, and turns it into the following string: ['a', 'b', 'c'] => “(`a`, `b`, `c`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)”
- DWCF v1.1.1
- Added previous variable lookup to GetVars.VarArray.SQLLookup via %THEVAR-$VARNAME%
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