SiteInfo |
General Info
- This is a personal website for myself, Jeffrey Riaboy. More info on the front page and in the welcome message.
- All HTML, JavaScript, and CSS for the entire page were hand coded from scratch by myself in a text editor in 2006. Graphics manipulation was done in Adobe Photoshop. Site Design by K.T.K. (more information below).
- It is highly recommended you have JavaScript turned on in your browser for maximum design compatibility. JavaScript is not required to properly navigate through the site, but results are less than optimal.
- Cookies are not required or used except for login on the forum.
- I have designed this site to maintain web standards and for maximum compatibility with all modern and text based browsers.
- While the site was originally IE6 compatible, I removed all that in 2024.
- The main title in the upper left corner can be used as a quick link back to the home page.
- RSS feeds are available here, and also through Header-RSS-Links on appropriate pages, which you should be able to find in your browser’s layout near the address bar by the
RSS feeds are available for Posts, Updates, or both, and can be received in 3 formats: Title Only, Condensed Text, and Full/All Text.
- Navigation to upper levels of a section are achievable through the section heirchy listing at the top of the page under the main title.
- When posts and update pages are relevent to each other, or share tags, they are linked to each other in their content pages.
- Light gray underlined text can be clicked to uncover hidden text, which can in turn be clicked to be hidden again. Click me for an exampleThis is the hidden text. Click me again to view the toggle text.
- The layout design of the page was done by my good friend, Kutani.
- Pages listing multiple posts and/or updates including the archive and home page only display abridged versions of the content if they are too long.
- Full posts can be viewed by mousing over the View All in these cases. Their content pages can be viewed by clicking on the title of the post, or the Open link.
- To view an update post’s full content, you can mouse over it, or click its title.