Venue Scheduler v1.0
A web based application that allows for managing a venue’s daily event bookings.
Rating: 8 (This is very typical of web CMS systems I put together (of which there have been dozens), and while it wasn't a particularly large or complex project, it delivered strongly what multiple clients needed.)
Project Time: 3/26/2010-3/31/2010: 40 *
Languages: JavaScript, PHP, MySQL
Requirements: JavaScript Enabled Web Browser
Downloads: Downloads information available in contents section (See any updates below for prior versions)
Sections: Information, Content, Concepts, Updates, Comments
InformationIt includes a printable calendar, management on a date and event/band levels, user based security, and a contact manager.Content
The below contents is mirrored information from the advertisement page found at olympia.deltaarc.com (temporary URL).
Calendar Page
- Events for a date are ordered by a “Hold”. Holds can be styled and color coded through the CSS files. Each date can only have 1 event per hold.
- The calendar expands automatically to match the size of the current window, and is print ready. A link to print is located below the calendar.
- Event names and date numbers are links to edit an individual event’s information and the events for a date respectively.
- The calendar remembers the last month the user was on for quicker access. The current month is used as the default when the user first logs in.
Event Management
- Date Selection:
- Dates are chosen by a popup calendar.
- Infinite dates can be filled in with an optional end date to create a range.
- Possible event “holds” for a date [range] auto adjusted when dates are filled in. The number of allowed “holds” per date and their names are determined by configuration and localization files.
- Date ranges auto adjusted to combine/split into new ranges when possible, for example, if one of their dates is deleted elsewhere in the system.
- The end date range boxes can be hidden if only single dates are desirable.
- Autofill contact selection with real-time refreshed information.
- Venue configurations and types of events settable in a configuration file.
- Last modification user and time stored.
- Separate printable event view page.
Contact Management [Address book]
- When the address book is opened through an events page, it closes upon successful submission and updates the event page.
Date Management
- Can edit the “hold” events for a date (usually specified through the event management page).
- Events are selected through an autofilling box.
- Event “holds” can be easily moved up and down priorities.
- Events can be edited or created in a link to the event management page, and are filled into the specifically selected “hold” when done.
User Management
- The top level admins can create/edit any properties of a user, or delete users.
- Users can edit their email address and password.
- If a password is lost, a new random password can be created and sent to the user through a secure 3 step process.
System Features
- Easy localizations per country/language:
- Through translation files and PHP localization features, transitioning the interface to other nationalities is quick and easy. French and English are currently included.
- Languages are choosable through a list which is always accessible through the interface. The last used language is remembered by the browser, and the initial chosen language is also detected through browser settings if not set by the administrator.
- The entire system is fully Unicode compatible through UTF8.
- User Access:
- There are 4 tiered user access levels which can be set on a per-user level by the top tier users.
- Users login on a per session basis, which is lost when the browser is closed or the user logs out.
- Customization:
- All layouts in the system are written using a minimal of structured HTML. Complex custom design layouts can easily be created by just modifying the CSS files. The system is robust and separates coding and design so it is easily shapeable to the users needs.
- Quick Access:
- Quick access to all the important sections, languages, and user information through a header bar.
- Passwords are held in a secure hash in the database so can not be recovered; only confirmed.
- Passwords can be reset through a secure email procedure.
- All sections of the interface are locked and only usable by users with the proper credentials.
- Last modification user and time held per event for auditing.
Licensing Information
Please contact Martin Enault for information on licensing this software.
| ConceptsCross-Browser developmentUpdatesVenue Scheduler Added @ 2010-11-01 01:54:15
Venue Scheduler is a web based application that allows for managing a venue’s daily event bookings. It was originally a 20 hour project in March sponsored by a single venue in Canada, but has been licensed since by multiple other venues. There have been many requested updates since then, which is reflected in the project’s time count. To add comments, please go to the forum page for this project (guest comments are allowed for the Projects, Posts, and Updates Forums). Comments are owned by the user who posted them. We accept no responsibility for the contents of these comments.