InformationThis was beyond useful as the server liked to accept anything from the clients even if it wasn’t supposed to be allowed.ContentThis edited the executable code in the Ragnarok MMORPG application while it was running so that whenever the user pressed the specified keyboard shortcut it would send the bound packet.
- Packet value fields are written for quick and properly formatted HEX input
- List of possible keyboard shortcuts for each packet
- Extra ASCII based text field hooks into currently selected HEX input field for easy normal text input
- Overwrite/insert options changes how keyboard input is interpreted when entering characters in both HEX and ASCII text fields
- Option to load and save packet and shortcut configurations
This program spawned from my “Warp To Save Point” program listed on my Ragnarok site’s projects and external programs page. The intent of that program was to allow a user to automatically warp back to their town spawn location which normally only occurred after character death. This was needed due to a server bug that sometimes made characters spawn outside the actual map when entering new areas making them permanently stuck without GM (Game Master) intervention. I included a forced 1 minute timer that reset on keyboard or mouse activity to discourage abuse of the program (warping back to town whenever you wanted, for convenience sake).
The way the program worked was, first, I took the game and reverse engineered the client via the assembly level opcodes to find where it sent packets to the server, and then wrote routines to search for this spot in the exe code so updates and patches wouldn’t break things. The program then dynamically added in assembly code depending on the bound keys and packets to allow the bound keys to trigger the actions. The assembly code was changed in the exe while it was running via the stored copy in RAM, so it only changed the code for that 1 execution of the program, as opposed to writing straight to the executable file.
The GUI is also fully featured in that the textboxes automatically reformat themselves with all new input to conform to the proper packet listing format, which is a HEX byte followed by a space. The “text/ASCII” textbox is also integrated with the last clicked packet box (highlighted in red) for easy viewing and changing of HEX into ASCII and vice versa.
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ConceptsReverse EngineeringNotesFutzing around with false securityUpdatesDakusan License v2.0 @ 2009-11-04 16:06:57 - Download
I have updated the licensing information across the board for my website and all its projects to the Dakusan License v2.0, a slightly modified version of the Original BSD License.
The Copyright page and all project downloads have been updated accordingly. Added Readme files to all project downloads @ 2009-09-19 05:35:19
Binary and source zip downloads for all Projects now have readme files in them, except as mentioned below.
This only applies to the Draw Image Project in Web Scripts, and not the Directory Manager project (The only project zip file now without a readme). Ragnarok Packet Sender v1.0 @ 2008-06-08 08:08:27 - Download Uploaded v1.0 of my Rag Packet Sender and wrote the content section. The original binary file compiled in 2003 is used and has not been modified like most all my other projects with a copyright, author information, and about page.To add comments, please go to the forum page for this project (guest comments are allowed for the Projects, Posts, and Updates Forums). Comments are owned by the user who posted them. We accept no responsibility for the contents of these comments.
So this forum won't be completely void of user content during its opening, I thought I'd post an email exchange I had last week pertaining to this project. :-)
Orichi on 09/21/09 at 5:08:57 AM -0500
My Reply on 9/21/09 at 7:34AM -0600
Orichi's reply on 09/21/09 at 11:13AM -0600
My Final Reply on 9/21/09 at 5:41PM -0600