InformationUser logs in via ID and takes a multiple choice test. Questions are held in one small binary file, and all user answers are logged in another. Admin can log in and view all user answers, and statistics on tests taken. Includes admin interface to create questions. Completely self sufficient data structure. Would be more appropriate in a web environment w/ database nowadays...ContentI was hired for a couple hundred dollars during my very short-lived college experience to write this software for a local hospital. It was designed to make a questionnaire to administer to incoming nurses to test them, and to keep general stats on the knowledge of the health care faculty. It was a quick 1 day project that fit everything they asked for, and they were extremely happy with it.
Questionnaire Login Page

Sample question answered incorrectly

Questionnaire Results

Administrator Question Editor

Administrator Results Viewer

Click here for Information from Original Request ConceptsMaking a quick dollar?UpdatesHospital Questions @ 2010-02-18 20:09:52 - Download
Releasing another one of my old and kind of useless projects in an unchanged state from when I made it in 2002.
It was a questionnaire made in Visual Basic with its own internal database. These days (actually 6 months later), I would have done this through a web application with a relational database. As this is, it works, and it is a completely stand alone application, which has its advantages.
Download: v1.0 Binary, Source
[Update at 8:30pm] I just remembered something I figured that I should mention. The reason the guy from the hospital hired me for this project was that he wanted me to take what he already had (he had a few basic forms) and program it correctly so he could learn from it and modify it himself. I did start everything over from scratch though, as what he had was a different VB form for every question. He needed me to do it in VB5 for this reason IIRC, and fortunately, my VB6 was compatible with it :-). To add comments, please go to the forum page for this project (guest comments are allowed for the Projects, Posts, and Updates Forums). Comments are owned by the user who posted them. We accept no responsibility for the contents of these comments.