GPS Mapping v1.0
Monitor android devices’ positions via Google Maps
Rating: 9 (Not the most complicated of ideas for a project, but can be very useful, especially since it can easily be deployed almost anywhere. )
Project Time: 11/27/2010-11/30/2010: 17
Languages: JavaScript, Java, PHP, MySQL
Requirements: Android Platform, MySQL Server, web server with PHP support, Google maps API key
Downloads: Binary Source (See any updates below for prior versions)
Sections: Information, Content, Concepts, Updates, Comments
InformationThis set of applications keeps track of a user’s current global position via GPS on their android device so their whereabouts can be monitored through a Google Maps interface. Only the current position is known, and previous positions are not logged. A person’s position cannot be viewed by another user without an access key provided during registration.Content
The live service I run for this project can be viewed here.
* The android app uses a very old GPS API that is no longer recommended by Google.
* The google maps web module uses v2 which is no longer supported by Google
Web Interface View - Google Maps, adding users, refreshing, and other options
Android Client Main View - Enable service, open settings, last service action/update
Android Client Settings
Application Features
- The Display Web Page
- This displays a Google maps applet with icons representing the positions of devices you are tracking. Its size can be adjusted via CSS. If you click on an icon, it will display the following information about the user: User ID, Access Key, User Name, Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Accuracy, and Last Update Time.
- The user legend displays all the users you have added through their access keys. You can click on their name to bring them up on the map. The number displayed for a user on the legend is also shown on their icon. The color of the icon depends on how many digits this number is.
- In the map options you can add a new user by inputting their 6 character access key (alpha numeric, case sensitive). You can also save the current map location for the next time you load the page, and show the Google search bar on the applet via the buttons in this section.
- The “Refresh Options” section displays updates from the server and controls how often they happen.
- While there is an update log, it is currently hidden in the interface.
- The Register/Login page allows a person to register a username. After registering or logging in, the user’s access key is shown, and the password can be changed. This page was honestly just thrown together as a means to an end and was not really designed for extensive use.
- The Android Client
- This runs a service in the background that sends your position to the server in accordance with your settings. The main display interface has a button to disable the service, and shows the last status update from the service.
- The settings dialog allows you to configure:
- Username and password (created during registration on the web page)
- The API server web address, which should generally not change unless you are running your own copy of the server software.
- The parameters for when updates should be sent to the server (minimum time between updates (seconds) and minimum distance traveled (meters))
- The API Server
- This receives and processes requests from the client.
- The Android Client
- Just install the APK on your android device. A non-free copy is available from the android market, or you can install it for free from the APK provided on my website.
- The Display Web Page/The API Server (If you decide to run your own server)
- You must be running MySQL and a web server with PHP support. You must also obtain a Google maps API key.
- Import the Install/Install.sql into a database
- Copy “Config.default.php” to “Config.php” and configure it appropriately
- Copy the “Server”, “Display”, and “Lib” folders, and “Config.php” file, to your web server. The file in the “Server” directory is what you point the android client to.
- The “Server” and “Display” folders are internally relative to themselves, but if you want to change the relative structuring between them and the “Lib” folder and “Config.php” file, you may have to repoint to their locations from within the code itself.
ConceptsAndroid, GPS, Google MapsUpdatesGPS Mapping v1.0 @ 2012-12-30 13:15:06 - Download Uploaded the new GPS Mapping project. It is a set of applications which keeps track of a user’s current global position via GPS on their android device so their whereabouts can be monitored through a Google Maps interface. Only the current position is known, and previous positions are not logged. A person’s position cannot be viewed by another user without an access key provided during registration.To add comments, please go to the forum page for this project (guest comments are allowed for the Projects, Posts, and Updates Forums). Comments are owned by the user who posted them. We accept no responsibility for the contents of these comments.