Armra's Alarm Clock v1.0
A simple countdown timer/alarm I made for a friend.
InformationJust a simple alarm clock with a few functions like auto-reset and alarm sound.ContentFeatures:
- Saves settings on exit to “Clock_Options.dat” in the executables directory [Next version will save to registry instead]
- Easy to edit clock field
- Plays wav file 3 times and blinks clock on alarm
- Option for automatic restart of countdown with the sound played only 1 time and no clock blinking
- Sound can be turned off
- Option to keep window on top of other windows
Design notes:
ConceptsGeneric timer, playing a sound in VBUpdatesDakusan License v2.0 @ 2009-11-04 16:06:57 - Download
I have updated the licensing information across the board for my website and all its projects to the Dakusan License v2.0, a slightly modified version of the Original BSD License.
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