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Some useful Plex commands
Time: 09/16/24 1:23:54 am
Tags: Plex [2]
Most relevent 2 of 2 posts with shared tags:

The below commands are tailored for Linux, as file paths are different for Windows. They need to be ran with the sudo -u plex prefix for proper user access permissions.

Get list of libraries
'/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Media Scanner' --list

Force library intro dection
'/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Media Scanner' --analyze --manual --server-action intros --section LIBRARY_ID

Force library credit dection
'/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Media Scanner' --analyze --manual --server-action credits --section LIBRARY_ID

Export media list
sqlite3 '/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db' '
SELECT MDI.id, file, title, MDI."index", hints, GROUP_CONCAT(T.text) AS taggings
FROM media_parts AS MP
INNER JOIN media_items AS MI ON MI.id=MP.media_item_id
INNER JOIN metadata_items AS MDI ON MDI.id=MI.metadata_item_id
LEFT JOIN taggings as T ON T.metadata_item_id=MDI.id AND T.text IN ("credits", "intro")
This outputs the following (column separated by pipe “|”) for each individual media item:
  1. Metadata item ID
  2. File path
  3. Title
  4. Episode Number
  5. Hints (e.x. =&episode=1&episodic=1&season=1&show=Ninja%20Turtles&show_name=Ninja%20Turtles&year=2002)
  6. “credits” and “intros” tags (if the credits and intros timestamps have been calculated)

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