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Plex recover posters & art from previous backup
Time: 10/02/24 6:18:45 am
Tags: Recover, SQLite [2], Plex [3], Quick Fixes [34], Examples [82]
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My Plex server decided to go through my database and screw with all the posters and art, so I made the below script which can be used to recover them. You should only use this if doing a full revert to backup is not a viable option. Do also note that if you have refreshed the metadata on any tv series since the backup, it could cause issues with the episode posters.

#Run the following commands as root sudo su #User variables SERVICE_NAME='plexmediaserver' BACKUP_LOCATION='/ROOT_BACKUP_LOCATION/' PLEX_USER='plex' #Derived variables (Slashes at end of directory paths are required) SQLITE3_PATH="/usr/lib/$SERVICE_NAME/Plex SQLite" DB_PATH="/var/lib/$SERVICE_NAME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db" IMG_PATH="/var/lib/$SERVICE_NAME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Metadata/" CACHE_PATH="/var/lib/$SERVICE_NAME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/" #Stop the plex service until we have updated everything echo "Stopping Plex" systemctl stop "$SERVICE_NAME" #Set the (user_thumb_url, user_art_url, and updated_at) from the old database in the new database. #The updated_at is required to match the cached images echo "Updating database" sudo -u "$PLEX_USER" "$SQLITE3_PATH" "$DB_PATH" -cmd "ATTACH DATABASE '$BACKUP_LOCATION$DB_PATH' as OLDDB" "
UPDATE metadata_items AS NMDI SET user_thumb_url=OMDI.user_thumb_url, user_art_url=OMDI.user_art_url, updated_at=OMDI.updated_at FROM OLDDB.metadata_items AS OMDI WHERE NMDI.id=OMDI.id
#Copy the posters and art from the old directory to the new directory echo "Copying posters" cd "$BACKUP_LOCATION$IMG_PATH" find -type d \( -name "art" -o -name "posters" \) | xargs -n100 bash -c 'rsync -a --relative "$@" "'"$IMG_PATH"'"' _ #Copy the cached images over echo "Copying cache" rsync -a "$BACKUP_LOCATION$CACHE_PATH" "$CACHE_PATH" #Restart plex echo "Starting Plex" systemctl start "$SERVICE_NAME"

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