This license gives you the following rights: Use, redistribute, and modify the project files freely as long as the license, version information, and credits are included and kept intact.
- “Source files” refers to any files included with this license file that are used to compile a final executable version of a project. These files should originally be found in a compressed container file labeled with “Source”.
- “Project files” refers to all files included with this license. This includes both “source files” and “release files”. Release files should originally be found in a compressed container file labeled with “Binary”.
All content included with and including this license file is copyrighted and owned by myself, Jeffrey Riaboy aka Dakusan, unless otherwise noted. Please see https://www.castledragmire.com/Copyright for further and updated licensing and copyright information.
All project files are free of charge, unless otherwise noted. You are free to redistribute them all you want, wherever you want, as long as this license file is included with any of the said project files.
You are free to modify the source files and redistribute their updated versions as you will, but you must include this license file and append references as to what was used and updated. Modifications to the project files may not include removing or changing copyright, license, version, author, “about”, or other crediting information beyond appending data to their ends.
I provide the source code for many of my projects strictly for educational purposes. Do not rip/steal/copy-paste any code in the source files elsewhere without also providing this license file, and if appropriate, reference to the original project and other proper crediting information.
Future or past releases to any project that include this license are bound by the license currently found with them.
More information on the project included with this file can be found at Dakusan’s Domain, which is linked at the bottom of this file. A direct link to the project’s information should be included in the “Comments” section of the executable’s version information, and in the project’s “About Page” if one is provided in the GUI.
https://www.castledragmire.com (Dakusan’s Domain)