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- DSQL v2.0.2.2
- Added ability via DSQL->$StrictMode variable to update MySQL strict mode
- Added DSQL->RawQuery() function which takes just a query, and does no modification on it. I found this required due to extremely slow times on building very large queries.
- Added DSQL->EscapeString() function which escapes a string for use in a mysql query. It has an optional parameter that adds single quotes around the result.
- Added DSQL::PrepareInsertList() function which takes an array of names, and turns it into the following string: ['a', 'b', 'c'] => “(`a`, `b`, `c`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)”
- DWCF v1.1.1
- Added previous variable lookup to GetVars.VarArray.SQLLookup via %THEVAR-$VARNAME%
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| | | DSQL v2.0.2
- Added static member $InitialPrintAndDieOnError which DSQL.PrintAndDieOnError inherits on creation
- Bug Fixes:
- mysqli_set_charset is set to utf-8
- In FormatSQLError() the date() function used for “Start Time” now uses “24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros” [date(“H”)] instead of “12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros” [date(“g”)]
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| | | DWCF v1.1 updates
- Added functionality:
- GetVars.VarArray.SQLLookup:
- Additional string parameters that have %THEVAR% are replaced with the value being checked
- If the first item is NULL, it will be removed, and the return will include full rows ("*") of the query result set
- Updated functionality:
- json_encode() In RetMsg() and CallByAction() now use JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE
- GetVars.VarArray.IsOptional now only triggers if it is (boolean)true
- Added additional description specification to GetVars.VarArray.SQLLookup which says it uses the additional parameters as values to fill in the SQL Query
- LICENSE: Now applies to 1.x instead of 1.0.x
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| | | Plex Playlist Importer v1.1 ( source). Current updates spanning 2017:
- Fixed absolute path logic for Linux (partial credit to Matt Spitz)
- Bypasses UTF8 BOM
- Program now works off of argument flags.
- Added parameters: Playlist encoding, override type, force list
- Created special BulletHelpFormatter class for parameters
- Playlist names can now conflict with other item/list names in Plex
- Console column width passthrough in the .sh file
- Updated READMEs regarding:
- Unicode compliance
- The “no such module : FTS4” error
- Running the script from a computer external to the server running Plex
- The “The program can’t start because MSVCR100.dll is missing” error
- All updates
- Added the ability to compile to a windows executable (via setup.py py2exe)
- The Playlist Name is now an optional argument which can be entered after the program is ran. This allows directly dragging playlists onto the executable
- Added shebang to main script
- M3U files now ignore lines that are empty or have only whitespace
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- Rewrote the background section, which was badly needed.
- Under Notable Projects, made Intellitix past tense (as of 2012)
- Added Notable Project C2MTL
- Removed Obsolete Skills: VBScript
- Added Skills: AngularJS, Django, jQuery, Amazon Web Services
- Work Experience/Deltaarc: Specified IT Admin for Linux servers
- Removed Obsolete Jobs and Skills:
- Tutor at Open Doors Learning Center [1999-2001]
- Microsoft Certified Professional [2004]
- Place in Winston Science Programming Competition [1999, 2000, 2002]
- Black Belt in Taekwondo [1996]
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| | | Released v1.0 of LetsEncrypt Better Apache Installer, which “Installs SSL/HTTPS certificates via letsencrypt for all domains”. | | |
| | | Added updated code for this post. | |