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MySQL replication ring status reporting script

I just threw together a quick script to report status on a MySQL replication ring. While replication rings have been the only real multi-master MySQL solution for replication (with the ability for nodes to go down without majorly breaking things) until recently, I have read that MariaDB (still not MySQL) now allows a slave to have multiple masters, meaning many replication topologies are now possible (star, mesh, etc). This script could easily be adapted for those circumstances too.

This script will report all the variables from “SHOW MASTER STATUS” and “SHOW SLAVE STATUS” from all servers in your replication ring, in a unified table. It also includes a “Pretty Status” row that lets you quickly see how things look. The possibilities for this row are:

  • Bad state: ...
    This shows if the Slave_IO_State is not “Waiting for master to send event”
  • Cannot determine master’s real position
    This shows if the Position variable on the master could not be read
  • On old master file
    This shows if the slave’s “Master_Log_File” variable does not equal the master’s “File” variable
  • Bytes behind: xxx
    This shows if none of the above errors occurred. It subtracts the master’s “Position” from the slave’s “Read_Master_Log_Pos”. This should generally be at or around 0. A negative value essentially means 0 (this should only happen between the last and first server).

The “Seconds_Behind_Master” variable can also be useful for determining the replication ring’s current replication status.

The code is below the example. The entire source file can also be found here. The 3 variables that need to be configured are at the top of the file. It assumes that all servers are accessible via the single given username and password.

Server Name
Pretty Status
Bytes behind: 0
Bytes behind: 0
Slave_IO_StateWaiting for master to send eventWaiting for master to send event
Not given
Not given


$Servers=Array('SERVER1.YOURDOMAIN.COM', 'SERVER2.YOURDOMAIN.COM'); //List of host names to access mysql servers on. This must be in the order of the replication ring.
$SlaveUserName='SLAVE_RING_USERNAME'; //This assumes all servers are accessible via this username with the same password

//Get the info for each server
$ServersInfo=Array(); //SERVER_NAME=>Array('Master'=>Array(Col1=>Val1, ...), 'Slave'=>Array(Col1=>Val1, ...)
$ColsNames=Array('Master'=>Array('Server Name'=>0), 'Slave'=>Array('Pretty Status'=>0)); //The column names for the 2 (master and slave) queries. Custom column names are also added here
$CustomFieldNames=array_merge($ColsNames['Master'], $ColsNames['Slave']); //Store the custom column names so they are not HTML escaped later
foreach($Servers as $ServerName)
    //Connect to the server
    $Link=@new mysqli($ServerName, $SlaveUserName, $SlavePassword);
        die(EHTML("Connection error to $ServerName server: $Link->connect_error"));

    //Get the replication status info from the server
        'Master'=>$Link->Query('SHOW MASTER STATUS')->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC),
        'Slave'=>$Link->Query('SHOW SLAVE STATUS')->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)
    mysqli_close($Link); //Close the connection

    //Gather the column names
    foreach($ColsNames as $ColType => &$ColNames)
        foreach($MyServerInfo[$ColType] as $ColName => $Dummy)

//Gather the pretty statuses
foreach($Servers as $Index => $ServerName)
    //Determine the pretty status
    if($SlaveInfo['Slave_IO_State']!='Waiting for master to send event')
        $PrettyStatus='Bad state: '.EHTML($SlaveInfo['Slave_IO_State']);
    else if(!isset($MasterInfo['Position']))
        $PrettyStatus='Cannot determine master’s real position';
    else if($SlaveInfo['Master_Log_File']!=$MasterInfo['File'])
        $PrettyStatus='On old master file';
        $PrettyStatus='Bytes behind: '.($MasterInfo['Position']-$SlaveInfo['Read_Master_Log_Pos']);

    //Add the server name and pretty status to the output columns
    $ServersInfo[$ServerName]['Master']['Server Name']='<div class=ServerName>'.EHTML($ServerName).'</div>';
    $ServersInfo[$ServerName]['Slave']['Pretty Status']='<div class=PrettyStatus>'.EHTML($PrettyStatus).'</div>';

//Output the document
function EHTML($S) { return htmlspecialchars($S, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } //Escape HTML
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Replication Status</title>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
        table { border-collapse:collapse; }
        table tr>* { border:1px solid black; padding:3px; }
        th { text-align:left; font-weight:bold; }
        .ReplicationDirectionType { font-weight:bold; text-align:center; color:blue; }
        .ServerName { font-weight:bold; text-align:center; color:red; }
        .PrettyStatus { font-weight:bold; color:red; }
        .NotGiven { font-weight:bold; }
//Output the final table
foreach($ColsNames as $Type => $ColNames) //Process by direction type (Master/Slave) then columns
    print '<tr><td colspan='.(count($Servers)+1).' class=ReplicationDirectionType>'.$Type.'</td></tr>'; //Replication direction (Master/Server) type title column
    foreach($ColNames as $ColName => $Dummy) //Process each column name individually
        print '<tr><th>'.EHTML($ColName).'</th>'; //Column name
        $IsHTMLColumn=isset($CustomFieldNames[$ColName]); //Do not escape HTML on custom fields
        foreach($ServersInfo as $ServerInfo) //Output the column for each server
            if($IsHTMLColumn) //Do not escape HTML on custom fields
                print '<td>'.$ServerInfo[$Type][$ColName].'</td>';
            else //If not a custom field, output the escaped HTML of the value. If the column does not exist for this server (different mysql versions), output "Not given"
                print '<td>'.(isset($ServerInfo[$Type][$ColName]) ? EHTML($ServerInfo[$Type][$ColName]) : '<div class=NotGiven>Not given</div>').'</td>';
        print '</tr>';

One final note. When having this script run, you might need to make sure none of the listed server IPs evaluates to localhost (127.x.x.x), as MySQL may instead then use the local socket pipe, which may not work with users who only have REPLICATION permissions and a wildcard host.

My MySQL Replication Ring Configuration

As of 2010, if you wanted to set up a MySQL replication configuration with multiple servers which could all update and send the updates to the other servers, a replication ring was the only solution (in which every server has a master and a slave in a ring configuration). While there are new (probably better) solutions as of late including using MariaDB’s multi-source replication, and tungsten-replicator (which I was referred to in late April and have not yet tried), I still find a replication ring to be an easy to use solution in some circumstances. However, there are some major disadvantages including:

  • If one node in the ring goes down, the entire ring stops replicating at that point until the node is brought back up
  • If a node goes down in the ring and has corrupted or incomplete data, say, from a power outdate, the entire ring may have to be painstakingly synced and rebuilt.
Anywho, the following is my basic MySQL configurations for setting up a replication ring, which needs to be put on every server node in the ring: (See MySQL docs for more information on each configuration)
#---GENERAL REPLICATION VARIABLES--- (These should never change)
log_bin=mysql-bin.log                           #Turn on the binary log, which is used to hold queries that are propagated to other machines
slave-skip-errors               = 1062          #Do not stop replication if a duplicate key is found (which shouldn’t happen anyways). You may want to turn this off to verify integrity, but then your replication ring will stop if a duplicate key is found
#master-connect-retry           = 5             #How often to keep trying to reconnect to the master node of the current machine after a connection is lost. This has been removed as of MySQL 5.5, and needs to instead be included in the “CHANGE MASTER” command
sync_binlog                     = 100           #After how many queries, sync to the binlog
slave_net_timeout               = 120           #The number of seconds to wait for more data from a master/slave before restarting the connection
max_binlog_size                 = 1000M         #The maximum size the binlog can get before creating a new binlog
log-slave-updates                               #Log slave updates to the binary log. If there are only 2 nodes in the ring, this is not required
slave_exec_mode                 = IDEMPOTENT    #Suppression of duplicate-key and no-key-found errors
replicate-same-server-id        = 0             #Skip running SQL commands received via replication that were generated by the current server node

#---INDEPENDENT REPLICATION VARIABLES--- (These should change per setup)
binlog-do-db                   = DATABASE_NAME  #Only add statements from this database to the binlog. You can have multiple of these configurations
replicate-do-db                = DATABASE_NAME  #Only read statements from this database during replication. You can have multiple of these configurations
auto_increment_increment        = 2             #After ever auto-increment, add this to its number. Set this to the number of nodes. This helps assures no duplicate IDs

#---SERVER CONFIGURATION--- (These numbers should match)
server-id                       = 1             #The current node number in the ring. Every node needs to have its own incremental server number starting at 1
auto_increment_offset           = 1             #What to start auto-increment numbers at for this server. Set this to the server-id. This helps assures no duplicate IDs